Coffee review

Shijiazhuang Affiliated School of Beijing Normal University Held the First "World Coffee House" Seminar

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, On April 28, the first World Coffee House Seminar of Shijiazhuang Affiliated School of Beijing Normal University was grandly held in Leyu Building. More than 150 teachers from all departments, grades and training groups were invited to participate in the seminar in the form of joint departments, cross-grade and multi-disciplinary. The World Cafe is a new type of collaborative dialogue and highly participatory communication.

On April 28, the first "World Cafe" seminar of Shijiazhuang affiliated School of Beijing normal University was solemnly held in Leyu Building. With the theme of "Building a quality School", this seminar invited more than 150 teachers from various departments, grades, research and training groups to conduct discussions in the form of departments, cross-grades and multi-disciplines.


"World Cafe" is a new form of conference organization that focuses on cooperative dialogue and high participation. Participants can discuss in groups according to the major topics set in a relaxed atmosphere, express their views and speak freely, and the reference topics are different but closely related. The "World Cafe" campaign encourages everyone to contribute, mix different ideas, share new discoveries, and everyone can participate in it and have their own gains. In the early stage of the activity, the members of the "World Cafe" project team of Shijiazhuang affiliated School of Beijing normal University counted more than 120 questions to the teachers in the form of literature search and questionnaire, after discussion and screening, select 20 problems worthy of discussion and urgent solution to "how to build a quality school", and invite teachers to conduct a preliminary discussion.


The activity is divided into three venues and thirteen discussion groups, under the auspices of each person in charge of the project group, teachers discussed fiercely with three sub-themes of "curriculum construction and quality students", "classroom teaching and quality students" and "teacher growth and quality teachers", combining their own teaching experience and students' learning situation. During the activity, the teachers, adhering to the family and national feelings of "learning to be a teacher and acting as a model" of Beijing normal University, expressed their views around "what is a quality school". On how to build a modern quality school, how to train quality teachers, quality students actively put forward their own opinions and suggestions. In the display session, exquisite posters of discussion arguments pushed the activity to the best part. Teacher representatives of each group made wonderful keynote speeches when displaying posters of discussion arguments. The viewpoints of "people-oriented" and "innovative development" opened up new ideas for the construction of a "quality school" with characteristics attached to Beijing normal University.


Next, the first "World Cafe" seminar of the Shijiazhuang affiliated School of Beijing normal University will hold a series of discussion activities. At that time, authoritative professors and experts from Beijing normal University will also visit the attached school of Shijiazhuang to provide constructive guidance on how to build a modern quality school.
