Coffee review

10 must-visit coffee shops in the UK

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, There are 10 independent coffee shops in Great Britain whose coffee does not have an assembly line production process, their coffee is an art, and even a cup of espresso can enjoy the process of waiting. If you like English culture, if you like coffee, you must not miss this article. Once youve had the drink of soul that actually tastes of

There are 10 independent coffee shops in Great Britain whose coffee is made without assembly lines; their coffee is an art; even a cup of espresso can be enjoyed waiting. If you love English culture, if you love coffee, you can't miss this article.

Once you've had the drink of soul that actually tastes of coffee, it's hard to go back to a paper cup of milky dishwater. (Dishwater is a phrase used by foreigners to mock American coffee as coffee water).

The most famous coffee shop on TV: Central Perk

If you have six old friends in England, Central Perk must be your old hangout. Yes, you are right, this fictional cafe in American drama does exist in London. In fact, Xiaobian loves and hates this store; there are always a few friends who leave the UK every year, but this store still has "Smelly Cat" there, which seems to be a witness to the years. It's worth mentioning that this store was named "TV'S Most Famous CAFÉ" by the Guardian newspaper. Someone actually calculated that it appeared on TV 19 times in a week.

Coffee: The Cappuccino

Address: 67 Broadwick Street, London W1F 9QY

The coffee maker: Kaffeine

Coffee beans here are from new Zealand and Australia, replacing luxury with idleness and leisure. The best baristas in London are hidden here, and they are super friendly and love to make friends. You have to pay attention to the time when you drink coffee here. If you don't do well, you might be squeezed out by the European strong men who come here. But don't worry, the bench at the door is a favorite place for coffee fans. On a special day, you may happen to meet something at this corner. Of course, don't forget, this is the most popular coffee shop in Europe.

Recommended coffee: Espresso (enough aroma)

Address: 66 Great Titchfield Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1W 7QJ

Tina We Salute You

If fairy tales are true, then every girl who drinks coffee must be a princess. If she happens to sit here again, staring at a work in a daze, there is no doubt that a Snow White has appeared. The two owners of the original store established this Café with the concept of art salon. The storefront is small, with long Australia style tables and leather sofas providing a comfortable sense of space. Don't get too attached to the art on the wall, it changes every few months; if you're an artist, replace coffee money with a paintbrush. Remember, remember to ask the boss why he used this name when he left. Oh, it's a long story.

Recommended food: Pancake

Address: 47 King Henry's Walk, London, N1 4NH


Hugo Coffee Bean: Relish Café

Relish is built in a bazaar alley, white paint and green plants look alive here. His coffee was strong and fragrant. This depends on the coffee beans used by the store coming from Hugo and being selected by one in a thousand to ensure the full quality of each coffee bean. There's also a deli next door to stock up if you're planning a picnic in this beautiful city.

Coffee recommendation: Affogato(need to ask oh) There are also many choices of Deli here.

Foundry Court, Wadebridge, Cornwall, PL27 7QN


Red Roaster Coffee House

This is Brighton's most popular coffee shop, always packed with locals and tourists; but not that it sells, but a small facade is a lot of room. Their coffee beans come from the southern coast, so they have a unique natural aroma. Sister who can't drink coffee, try hot chocolate from the south coast. Brighton's sunny days mean that the hard-core who love the shop sit outside all year round. 5 minutes walk to the coast, remember to finish your coffee and see the sea. If you're lucky, you'll catch a live music show by a British band.

Recommended coffee: Café au lait(large bowl of coffee ^,^)

Address: 1d St James St, Brighton, BN2 1RE


Pure coffee culture (full score recommended): Monmouth Coffee

This is London's most famous independent coffee shop and the most popular coffee shop in London. Roasted and blended coffee has been considered ideal for 30 years. If you come to London, if you love coffee, if you want to experience coffee culture, learn to wait, wait for an empty table in the shop, order a special cup of coffee and a piece of cake, and enjoy that time. Imagine how interesting it would be for a traveler to sit by the window of a coffee shop and watch the various people passing by in the snow and examine their expressions.

Coffee: Monmouth Espresso

Address: 27 Monmouth Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9EU

2 Park Street,The Borough,London,SE1 9AB

Arch 3 Spa North,Between Dockley Road and Spa Road,SE16 4RP


Coffee Aroma

The coffee in this shop is full of aroma, just like the name of the shop. To achieve this effect, the coffee beans will stay in the coffee machine longer, so that each cup of coffee has a more mellow taste. It was voted one of the 10 best coffee shops in the UK. It is also a coffee shop that is open at night and is open until 11:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. In addition to coffee, his family's breakfast package is also very tempting.

Coffee: Espresso Based Drinks

Address: Guildhall Street, Lincoln


Flat White: Flat White Cafe House

This independent coffee shop from Australia offers perhaps the best Flat White Coffee in the UK. Flat White uses expensive materials and production processes that always make Xiaobian feel so elegant, even a little luxurious. The restaurant is located in SOHO and very friendly. The £ 7 Flat White Retail Bag is worth a try.

Recommended Coffee: Flat White; Recommended Small: Milk Bar

Address: 17 Berwick Street, Soho, London, W1F 0PT


The Apple Tree Cafe

This coffee shop is known for its youth and originality. The coffee shop was built on the canal, and it seems destined to create its classical and modern elements. The coffee is strong, but the most distinctive feature is its freshly squeezed apple juice and creative desserts.

The Courgette Cake with Lime Icing

Address: Barton Marina, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, DE13 8AS


South Bank of London: Federation Coffee

This cafe is located on the banks of the river in London and has a reputation as a South Bank cafe. Their coffee beans are their own brand of Contraband, which has a unique taste, with black berries and chocolate on the palate. Choose a sunny day, a cup of coffee with the specialty cheese cake in the store, just like the comfort of the left bank.

Recommended coffee: Contraband coffee types

Unit 77-78, Brixton Village Market, London, SW9 8PS


Café said that from France, coffee culture is destined to represent romantic and pleasant mood. When coffee came to Britain, the original culture seemed to be harmonious to the leisure and relaxed life of gentlemen and ladies at once; the aroma of coffee beans combined with the soft taste and light sweetness of a good cup of coffee, fascinating "the drink of soul". This flavor is not something that coffee chain culture can replace. Xiaobian once again stressed that this is wrong, wrong oh ~ to drink a cup of really strong coffee, you must sit down, take a book, or about a few special friends, to experience the atmosphere of that kind of life.

These 10 coffee shops were selected after a small series of personal experience. In fact, there are many coffee shops worth discovering in the UK, such as Elephant House in Edinburgh and Bella in York. Their reviews are everywhere on the Internet, so they are not included in the list. If you also have coffee shops you would like to recommend, please post them on @ Miss Britannia.