Coffee review

Baoding 1898 Coffee: a Bridge between Government and Enterprises

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1898 Coffee creates a corner of the space. Li Ruyi walked into the Zhongguancun Innovation Center in Baoding, and the LED screen at the entrance on the first floor was showing advertising films of a certain brand. Standing on the side of the machine is one person tall, the screen has been rolling advertisements, this machine in the media publicity, but also an air purifier. When haze is serious, it can also purify indoor air.

1898 Coffee creates a corner of the space. Photo by Li Ruyi

Walking into Baoding Zhongguancun Innovation Center, the LED screen at the entrance on the first floor is showing advertising films of a certain brand. Standing on the side of the machine is one person tall, the screen has been rolling advertisements, this machine in the media publicity, but also an air purifier. When haze is serious, it can also play a role in purifying indoor air. This machine, called Love Air Intelligent Air purification system, has been put into free use in shopping malls, companies and schools in Baoding. The emergence of this product stems from Baoding 1898 Coffee Mass creation Space.

1898 Coffee was founded on April 27, 2016 when it was crowdfunded by 62 shareholders in Baoding. CEO Zang Yingchun introduced that in the mass creation space of Baoding City, 1898 Coffee has a large number of shareholders, which means that more resources can be gathered here.

When it comes to Love Air Intelligent Air purification system, Zang Yingchun opened the chatterbox, "this project can best reflect the cooperation between shareholders." Some shareholders can provide air purification products, some are mainly engaged in media marketing and communication, and some are good at capital operation. As a result, the project was successfully landed. In the past year since its inception, 1898 Coffee has successfully hatched nearly 10 projects.

Peking University 1898 Coffee has long been famous, and it has also become the birthplace of Chinese crowdfunding. Baoding 1898 Coffee is located in the Zhongguancun Innovation Center in Baoding, highlighting its "Beijing ancestry." Unlike Peking University 1898 Coffee, in Zang Yingchun's view, it has its own characteristics. Zang Yingchun said: "this is a project personally introduced by city leaders at that time, and it has been taken seriously." Up to now, we have also established good relations with various departments of Baoding and high-tech zones. "

Baoding 1898 Coffee is located on the 19th floor of Block A, Zhongguancun Innovation Center in Baoding. It also has access to the roof terrace through a door. Wang Jinlong, the account manager, pointed to the northwest and said: "the view here is excellent. When the weather is fine, you can directly see Langya Mountain in the northwest of Baoding."

Wang Jinlong, a graduate of Hebei University with a master's degree in 2014, joined Baoding 1898 Coffee in March 2016 and almost participated in the preparation and operation here. During the preparatory stage, Wang Jinlong recalled, "at that time, I was the only soldier, from event planning to moving tables, chairs and benches."

In the year since its inception, 1898 Coffee has held a number of events, sometimes twice a week. As the executor of the event, Wang Jinlong said that Coffee held eight types of activities in 1898, namely, policy exchange, financial exchange, entrepreneurial exchange, thought-sharing exchange, study exchange, shareholder exchange, school exchange, and private exchange. Among them, "policy exchange" can provide enterprises with an authoritative interpretation of relevant policies, and "financial exchange" can strengthen government-enterprise-bank exchanges and provide credit for enterprises.

In a "thought to enjoy foreign exchange", Zhang Litao, the vice mayor, personally gave a speech on "how to cultivate endogenous motivation-- talking about family education," and it was even more packed. Wang Jinlong said: "our position is a public enterprise service platform." These activities are very popular and become a bridge between the government and enterprises. Here, enterprises can be familiar with policies, and the government can understand the needs of enterprises. "

At this stage, Baoding 1898 Coffee is applying for provincial mass creation space, and more and more resources are gathering here.

Zang Yingchun said: "due to the limitation of the venue, the cafe is now just a place for everyone to communicate and talk about things. The next step is to expand the scope of services, expand the physical space, and build accelerators. "