Coffee review

She moved the cafe into the 80-year-old National Museum of Art, attracting countless people before it opened

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At the beginning of this summer, don't forget to have a cup of coffee at the Nanjing National Art Museum, built in 1936. It may be the closest place to sit quietly and listen to the flow of time in Nanjing, unable to distinguish between the past and the present. Photographer/Lion Sheep (Photo: Tu Guoxiao) Whether it is a French parasol tree with all the seasons in the city, it is misunderstood as the most loving show.

At the beginning of this summer, don't forget to have a cup of coffee at the Nanjing National gallery, which was built in 1936. It may be the place where you can sit quietly in Nanjing and listen to the flow of time, unable to distinguish between the past and the present, and the nearest to the gate of time.

Photographer / Lion Sheep

(photo: tu Guoxiao)

Whether it is the French sycamore with amorous feelings all over the city in four seasons.

Or the legend of Meiling Palace necklace, which is misunderstood as showing the highest realm of love.

Or the sense of story told in the setting sun in Meiyuan New Village, Ninghai Road, Summer Palace Road.

As a city full of rich amorous feelings of the Republic of China, even if you pass by, you may be touched by the small surprises dotted with ordinary alleys.

At the beginning of this summer, don't forget to have a cup of coffee at the Nanjing National gallery, which was built in 1936. It may be the place where you can sit quietly in Nanjing and listen to the flow of time, unable to distinguish between the past and the present, and the nearest to the gate of time.

The National gallery in 1936


Modern Cafe in 2017

The Nanjing National Museum of Fine Arts, next to the former National Great Hall, when plays such as "four generations in the same Hall" were performed, the people in line at the door were also Wuyang Wuyang. this road runs through the 1912 Street of the Republic of China. connecting the stone pavilion lane with 100-meter wall paintings to show the style of life in old Nanjing, all the way is a dusty epic.

The ingenious idea of opening a coffee shop into gallery sounds particularly "special", and the aroma of coffee impolitely brings "humanity" to the serious gallery.

You have to buy tickets to come to the exhibition, but you don't have to drink coffee. The security guard at the door obviously has his own practical experience in identifying the destination of the guests. When we passed the gate, we pointed inside, he smiled and half-grasped the palm of his hand, put it on his mouth and made a "drink" gesture. He was very playful and lovely. We nodded desperately and walked in with laughter.

Such a small move, so that the 80-year-old gallery and the encounter with the fish tank coffee has a warmer temperature.

Fish tank, fish tank coffee, is hidden in this vicissitudes of life in gallery. The girl who built the coffee shop, named Sally, received an invitation to be a coffee shop here last November. In her words, she "beat the monster to upgrade" and came up with such a coffee shop in line with her inner expectations.

Living in the gallery with the style of the Republic of China, instead of following the traditional style of gallery itself, it has created a space of great contrast with modern design, which is probably due to the dramatic thinking in the bones of Sally. The graduate student majoring in drama literature at Nanjing University decided to put dramatic conflicts into his own coffee shop.

The most eye-catching but unobtrusive bar in the middle of the space perfectly obscures the original shortcomings of color matching with the old terrazzo floor; all the walls used to be covered with old photos, but now only this silhouette is preserved. the spelling is the original appearance of the old gallery, and on the other side is the display and sale of works by some museum artists.

The "life without art is stupid" plaque at the entrance was moved by Sally from home. She carried it back from Amsterdam a few years ago. She had no idea that it would be used here. It was unexpected. Maybe it was meant to be.

The traditional Erbao mother of early marriage and early childbearing has proved that it is difficult to foresee and explain a lot of things. Hidden in gallery, there is not even a proper shop. Even if you walk to the door, you may not be able to see it, or even officially open a coffee shop. But it has already welcomed a lot of guests. On a normal working day afternoon, the cold side of gallery unexpectedly flows full of coffee and the warmth of blending with people.

The traditional mother of early marriage and early childbearing


The maverick Zhang Yang female shopkeeper

This coffee shop in gallery is not the first store of Sally. In the coffee circle in Nanjing, the 5-year-old fish tank coffee is already well-known. It is adjacent to Ganxi's former residence and the landmark of Xi Nanli. Passers-by always have to take a look at it, which is always a quiet and warm atmosphere.

Sally, a drama literature major at Nanjing University, has studied under Lu Hsiao-ping, the director of "Jiang Gong's face". She has published novels, used to be a youth literary writer under Rao Xueman, the Witch of words, and has been independently responsible for drama projects. She loves writing, drama, coffee, and even more likes to "create" her own cafe. After meeting Fish tank, the drama of life has changed the plot ever since.

When I started this store, Sally was still a graduate student. She laughs that she is probably the only person who has been a graduate student in Nanjing University for three years and has two children, and even chose to give up her studies among being a shop, breastfeeding and completing her studies.

Everyone's energy is limited, for her, she can only do two of the three things at the same time, so why is the graduate degree of Nanjing University given up?

Because opening a coffee shop you like is what you want to do right now, but what can a degree do? The love of drama is deeply engraved in the body and does not need a certificate to prove it. Not continuing her studies is not a professional isolation, on the contrary, for her, drama is an illusory space, while a coffee shop is an "empty space" (Peter Brooke), and opening a coffee shop is actually a way to achieve dramatic intentions. In the coffee shop, there is a good show on every day.

On the one hand, there is a mother who takes care of her family and children, and on the other, there is a female warrior who is passionate about coffee. Isn't Sally itself a drama with great tension?

Of course, because I have no experience of opening a shop, I have not paid less tuition fees in recent years, for example, the handmade cookies bought from the Internet for activities have expired before they are useful, for example, the guests attracted by giving away may not be your real target group at all. For example, when you come back after giving birth, you find that all the employees have left.

Later, Sally went to study coffee by herself. at that time, she had just given birth to the second child, took the baby to class and rushed back to breastfeeding after class. That time was difficult, but it was also precious, and it opened the door to the future for the later Fish tank.

Low-key boutique coffee with simple heart


Indescribable super taste buds service

Fish tank is known as the "place where the boutique coffee journey begins". It makes a good cup of coffee accessible and readily available. Sally feels that the coffee industry has its own particularity. For people who have a habit of drinking coffee, if there happens to be a coffee shop in front of their home and it is not bad, he will go there every day. On the contrary, if there is no such habit, no matter how good your coffee shop is, he will not travel thousands of miles to drink a cup of coffee every day. The coffee shop has the absolute geographical location attribute.

Therefore, the coffee drunk in Fish tank abandoned the luxury and gaudy, showing the most insipid appearance. They use their own roasted coffee beans, with more distinctive characteristics, and will begin to supply "1x" coffee beans as two options for milk coffee this year. X represents a special flavor of beans, and this year's "X" has not yet been launched. it's imaginative.

The coffee produced here does not add any syrup at all, keeping the real taste of the coffee, unless the guest has a more concrete description of his own taste.

Mr. Big Fish and Miss Little Fish here have a romantic color, a heavy coffee and a heavy milk flavor, just like two men and women with different personalities, with their own aura and mutual tolerance.

Here the mini latte Piccolo, 100ml's small cup of coffee, only extract the front section, the coffee flavor is very outstanding, but the fusion with milk is very perfect, with an amazing taste, some people say that the piccolo of the fish tank refreshes his views on coffee.

The hanging ears here sell very well, and people who can't come to the store can drink the familiar taste on any occasion. The newly designed hanging ear bag is simple and generous, and the pattern is painted by Sally's five-year-old daughter.

The two stores also use different hand brewing methods. The new store uses fan-shaped filter cups, while the old stores use smart cups and V60 filter cups. Different filter cups have different performance for coffee beans, and smart cups are chosen so that customers can simply copy the taste of the store-- unlike many stores, Fish tank is very happy to share the brewing method of coffee with customers, and the water and grinding degree used in the store are unreserved. Guests can drink the same coffee at home as in the store.

We can see that they are trying to cultivate people's coffee habits through more details, trying to make more people realize that coffee is not an expensive thing, it is a cup of milk and soy milk in the morning, and you can enjoy it in your life in the simplest way.

Dessert is the luck of coffee, and Fish tank is no exception. The dessert here with coffee is customized by CAP Li Xiaotian, a pastry maker in Michelin Restaurant, which brings the right embellishment for good coffee.

Nanjing must be hot and dry in May, and the new cold-extracted canned coffee will also be on the market, and another summer belonging to the fish tank has arrived.

A kind of barista.


Strange guests

In the afternoon of drinking coffee on gallery, I was moved by the new barista. I should gently remind me every time I come to add water. Is lemonade all right? Let's get you something hot. Be careful with the hot...

Yes, every time, there is a warm smile from the heart on my face.

Fish tank has a very "special" vision for the selection of baristas. For the first time, he has heard that baristas are left because they are too good at pulling flowers. It is the first time they have heard that baristas are never allowed to make any private comments on their guests. It is also the first time that baristas in the store are not allowed to know their guests too well, and it is the first time they have heard that they cannot recommend products without a request, even if they try for free.

Fish tank has a very "special" vision for the selection of baristas. For the first time, he has heard that baristas are left because they are too good at pulling flowers. It is the first time they have heard that baristas are never allowed to make any private comments on their guests. It is also the first time that baristas in the store are not allowed to know their guests too well, and it is the first time they have heard that they cannot recommend products without a request, even if they try for free.

In a boutique coffee shop, all attention should be on coffee, and coffee makers do not need too dazzling aura, nor do they need to pay more attention to guests' needs other than coffee needs. What Fish tank baristas need is to pay attention to the description of the ideal cup of coffee in the heart of customers, to pay attention to each of their unique preferences for coffee, and to find ways to meet the requirements of customers without violating their own profession. Make a cup of coffee that the guests are looking forward to, and all the difficulties and ingenuity you overcome in the process do not need to let the guests know that all they have to do is to enjoy the "right" cup of coffee.

This kind of concentration and professionalism is the highest requirement of fish tank coffee.

The baristas of the fish tank are all the same, gentle and attentive, but the guests here are very different.

The people who took a fancy to Sally's invitation to transform her gallery coffee shop are the guests who love her coffee.

There are guests who have come almost every day for six years since the first day of business.

There are customers who like to give Sally "lessons" to teach her management experience and how to make coffee shops better.

There are guests with "boss temperament" who are regarded as bosses by other guests.

There are guests who frighten the barista by asking for three shot at a time, but only in her house since then.

There are Scottish guests who left Nanjing and sighed on moments that they could no longer drink such good coffee.

There are guests who insist on ordering a cup of tea every day because they can't eat sugars because they follow the doctor's advice.


And Sally and her friends will also hold a special meeting to discuss how to give everyone better products and services for a particular guest.

Everyone who walks in here will be regarded as the only one.

Because, "the guest who walks into your store will not come in because he hates you. He must expect something from you, and we must live up to this expectation."