Coffee review

Ten thousand kinds of tea coffee exhibitors the first China International Tea Fair will open in Hangzhou.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, What is the posture of the appearance of nearly 10,000 kinds of tea and coffee products? From May 18 to 21, you will have the opportunity to witness this event in Hangzhou. The first China International Tea Expo will open in Hangzhou next Thursday. This is the most authoritative and influential international tea event held by our government for the first time. The theme of this tea fair is tasting tea for thousands of years. The Tea Fair is an exhibition of achievements.

What is the posture of the appearance of nearly 10,000 kinds of tea and coffee products? From May 18 to 21, you will have the opportunity to witness this event in Hangzhou.

The first China International Tea Expo will open in Hangzhou next Thursday. This is the most authoritative and influential international tea event held by our government for the first time.

The theme of this tea fair is "tasting tea for thousands of years". The Tea Fair focuses on the display of achievements, trade negotiations and cooperation and exchanges, focusing on the development achievements of China's and the world's tea industry, promoting trade cooperation in tea products and exchanging tea culture. work together to create the most authoritative and influential international tea brand exhibition in line with the development direction of "internationalization, specialization, branding, informationization and marketization".

The total area of exhibition and sale is 35000 square meters.

All 20 major tea producing provinces across the country organized delegations to participate in the exhibition.

It is understood that the Tea Expo is located in Hangzhou International Exhibition Center, with a total exhibition area of 35000 square meters, divided into A, B, C, D four pavilions.

Among them, Hall An is the tea achievement exhibition area, focusing on the development of tea industry in China and the main tea producing provinces, and the display design will highlight the characteristics of tea industry and tea culture. The three pavilions B, C and D are the exhibition area, including the group exhibition area of the main producing provinces, the international tea coffee exhibition area, the tea machine tea set exhibition area, the Taiwan exhibition area and so on.

At present, all 20 major tea producing provinces across the country have organized delegations to participate in the exhibition, more than 1,000 well-known enterprises have gathered together, and more than 30 countries intend to participate in the exhibition, bringing together nearly 10,000 kinds of six major tea categories and coffee products, including green tea, black tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea and black tea.

In addition, the Tea Expo will hold a number of high-profile major activities. On the afternoon of May 17, a forum on the development of contemporary Chinese tea culture will be held to discuss the development of China's green tea from a cultural perspective. On the morning of May 18, the opening ceremony will be held to announce the results of the selection of the top ten tea brands in China. The ten most influential tea regional public brands will be officially announced, followed by the China Tea Industry International Summit Forum, when the establishment of China Tea Industry Alliance will be announced. On the afternoon of May 18, an international tea coffee dialogue will be held. Chinese and foreign business, scientific and cultural circles will have a unique dialogue on the cultural exchange, integration and development of tea and coffee.

Seven free bus lines are open

Take you to the tea fair for free.

For the general public, nothing is more concerned about such a high-end tea fair, do we have the honor to witness it?

It is understood that during the exhibition, the organizing committee will open seven free bus lines, from Wulin Square, Wushan Square, Metro Jiangling Road Station, Xiao Shao Road bus Station, Xiaoshan Opera House, Lingyin, Tongwu Gaoshan Tea Village to Hangzhou International Expo Center. As long as you are in Hangzhou, you can go to the Tea Fair for free.

Apart from the International Expo Centre, the general public also have the opportunity to experience the strong flavor of tea in more places.

It is reported that during the exhibition, Hangzhou will hold more than 10 tea events, such as Tea Fair Exhibition Hall, Longjing Village, Longwu Tea Village, Tea Capital Garden, etc. at the same time, there will be more than 10 tea events, such as tea songs and dances, Yunlin tea party, children's tea art, imitation of Song tea, traditional tea art, national tea competition, tea service, etc., to actively display the unique charm of "Hangzhou as the tea capital". At that time, Chinese and foreign guests can take free bus lines. Direct access to the pavilion and the event site.

Hangzhou organizes 35 leading tea enterprises to participate in the exhibition.

Many people can't help asking why the first International Tea Fair was settled in Hangzhou. It is reported that Hangzhou is an important tea-producing province in China. Xihu Longjing Tea is famous at home and abroad, and "Hangzhou is the tea capital" has been well-known at home and abroad.

In addition, Hangzhou is the place with the highest concentration of tea research institutions in the world, and it is also the gathering center of tea scientific and technological talents in the world. The Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the China Tea Society and the China Tea Museum have a special status in the international exchange of tea science and technology. Hangzhou also has 18 Imperial Tea, Tea Capital Mingyuan, Longwu Tea Town, Meijiawu and many other tea culture experience points.

At this tea fair, Hangzhou organized 35 leading tea enterprises to participate in the exhibition, with a total of 52 booths, covering 12 districts and counties (cities). Involving Xihu Longjing Tea, Jingshan tea, snow green, Tianmu Qingding, Anding Yunwu, Qiandao Yinzhen, Qiandao Yuye, Jiukeng Maojian, Xiang Lake Longjing, Tianzun Gongya "City Ten famous Tea" and historical and cultural famous tea "Jiuqu Hongmei", etc. Among them, West Lake Longjing Tea will also participate in the selection of the "Top Ten famous teas in China" of this Tea Expo.

With the theme of "unique charm and splendor", Hangzhou Pavilion will comprehensively display Hangzhou's tea history, tea culture, tea ecology, tea inheritance, tea tourism, tea technology, tea trade, tea space and tea prospects.

The first tea competition will also be held at the same time.

Viewers can share the audio-visual feast through webcast.

The first China International Tea Expo was held at the same time, its subordinate unit, "the first China International Tea Expo Tea fighting Conference", is also eye-catching. In the form of a full live broadcast, the Tea Competition will present three major chapters, traditional, modern and international, to tea lovers at home and abroad, and comprehensively showcase the tea culture of China and even the world.

The tea fighting link of the traditional chapter is "imitating the Song Tea War", which is carried out in the way of the tea competition in the Southern Song Dynasty, which is divided into tea fighting products, tea operas and so on. In the modern chapter, the tea fighting conference will invite domestic tea drinking experts and traditional Chinese medicine experts to scientifically comment and interpret the collocation of herbal tea. In the international chapter, the tea competition will begin with an international tea dance to see how foreign friends taste the six traditional Chinese teas, as well as foreign friends to participate in Xihu Longjing Tea's brewing skills competition.

It is reported that the tea competition lasted one and a half days, invited international and domestic tea experts in various fields to join us, and made on-the-spot comments on the tea competition. A champion, a runner-up and a second runner-up will be selected in all tea competitions, as well as a number of excellence awards.

As the executive body of the first China International Tea Expo, Yifutang Tea Industry will also prepare all kinds of tea for guests and spectators who come to watch the event, such as tea ordered in imitation of Song Dynasty, tea mixed with flowers and plants, and the top ten famous Chinese teas headed by Xihu Longjing Tea. The event will be broadcast live, and viewers who fail to come to the scene to feast their eyes, ears and mouths will also be able to share this audio-visual feast through live streaming. The tea competition of the first China International Tea Expo will be broadcast live on Tmall platform and Jinri Toutiao platform from May 18 to May 19, fully meeting the needs of the audience to participate while watching.