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Coffee milk tea sweet drinks men drink these drinks easy to hurt essence

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional barista communication please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style ) men's sperm health will not only affect the next generation, semen health also has an impact on women's body, healthy semen discharged in women's vagina is beneficial to women, what drinks men drink will hurt sperm? Drink less of these drinks! What drinks can men drink?

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Men's sperm health will not only affect the next generation, semen health also has an impact on women's body, healthy semen in the female vagina is beneficial to women, what drinks men drink will hurt sperm? You must drink less of these drinks! What kind of drinks can men drink?

What kind of drink men drink can hurt sperm.

1. Inferior tea

Tea polyphenols in tea have the effect of antioxidation, which is beneficial to cardiovascular health and germ cell health. However, drinking tea requires high hygiene of tea. The concentration of toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury in inferior tea is high, and heavy metals are toxic, which is disadvantageous to the production of spermatozoa, and even lead to sperm deformity. Therefore, to buy tea, we must choose reputable brands and places with less environmental pollution.

2. Milk tea

Pearl milk tea contains a lot of trans fatty acids, which can reduce the secretion of androgen (testosterone), have a negative impact on sperm activity, and interrupt the reaction process of sperm in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to drink less. If you really like milk tea, you can use milk, condensed milk and black tea to make your own milk tea.

3. Coffee

The caffeine in coffee can excite the sympathetic nerve of the human body, making the human body in a state of faster breathing, increased blood flow and vasoconstriction, so it will feel refreshed. Neurovascular reflexes such as glandular secretion and erection are innervated by parasympathetic nerves. When the sympathetic nerve is excited, the parasympathetic nerve is in a state of relative inhibition, resulting in decreased libido. Therefore, when men drink more cups of coffee to brew romance at the same time, sex will also be greatly reduced.

4. Sweet drink

Studies have found that long-term consumption of sugary drinks can lead to a decline in sperm motility. Interestingly, the association was more pronounced in thin men. Sugary drinks can increase the risk of insulin resistance, leading to increased oxidative stress, which in turn harms sperm, scientists say. Fresh Juice or green tea is the best substitute.

What is the healthiest drink for men?

Plain boiled water: most men are not interested in drinking boiled water and don't even think it is very important, but they should replenish water especially when they sweat a lot. Forming the habit of drinking more water can dilute the urine, let the urine pass out quickly, prevent urinary calculi and reduce the sodium load on the kidney, thus protecting the kidney.

Fresh Juice: fresh fruit is not only rich in water, but also the main source of B vitamins and vitamin C. The phytochemical factors contained in fruits, such as lycopene, anthocyanin and carotene, are good for health. We need to remind everyone that some Fresh Juice on the market often add pigments, flavors and sugar, or their own fresh squeeze at home is the safest and most assured.

In addition, men should drink less spermicidal drinks and had better not drink them. Eat more foods rich in B vitamins and zinc, which contribute to sperm development and promote male reproductive health.

Red wine: red wine is the best drink for flirting and sex. The right amount of red wine can relax and delight the mood and delay the best part of the sex. Coupled with the dim candlelight, you are sure to enjoy it tonight.

Coffee: there is a substance in coffee called caffeine, which can stimulate the central nervous system of the cerebral cortex, making men more excited, and this stimulation is not only strong, but also very long-lasting.

Tea: the effect of tea is similar to coffee, but also contains a lot of caffeine. In addition, tea is also rich in amino acids, which is an important component of sperm and semen, which contributes to sperm synthesis and improve sperm motility.

Hot chocolate: in Spain, some men use chocolate as a food to boost their sexual ability. Chocolate, as a symbol of love, can improve the mood and make a man's desire stronger. Hot chocolate can also supplement the energy consumed by sex life.

Brown sugar water: Brown sugar water is not exclusive to women, it contains amino acids, vitamins and a variety of trace elements, which is good for men's reproductive health. In addition, brown sugar water contains a large amount of iron, which is an important component of hemoglobin, and hemoglobin is used to transport oxygen, so it can also help men quickly recover their strength and build up the momentum to fight again.