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Three misunderstandings in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and osteoporosis caused by strong tea and coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Communication of professional baristas Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) with age, many elderly people will appear osteoporosis, threatening the health of the elderly, it is urgent to strengthen the awareness of the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. After investigation, there are not a few middle-aged and elderly people suffering from osteoporosis in China. Experts believe that attention should be paid to the prevention and examination of osteoporosis.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

With the growth of age, many elderly people will appear osteoporosis, threatening the health of the elderly, so it is urgent to strengthen the awareness of the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. After investigation, there are not a few middle-aged and elderly people suffering from osteoporosis in China. Experts believe that attention should be paid to the prevention of osteoporosis and the examination of bone mineral density. Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease characterized by low bone mass and destruction of bone microstructure, resulting in increased bone brittleness and prone to fracture. The whole course of the disease is very long, and it is difficult for the human body to feel it at the beginning of the disease, so osteoporosis is also known as "silent disease". So how to prevent osteoporosis in daily life?

Drinking strong tea and coffee accelerates calcium loss

In order to prevent osteoporosis, people often only pay attention to calcium supplement, but ignore the loss of calcium, and often drink strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, etc., will accelerate the loss of calcium in the body. Drinking milk is the best way to supplement calcium, but it is difficult for many old people to drink three bottles of 250ml ordinary milk a day to meet the calcium supplement standard. The elderly should eat more foods rich in calcium and vitamin D by drinking milk to supplement calcium, and try to minimize the loss of calcium in the body. Only in this way can osteoporosis be prevented and the body be healthier.

To prevent osteoporosis, eat more foods with high calcium and phosphorus, such as fish, shrimp, shrimp skin, kelp, milk (250ml calcium 300mg), dairy products, bone soup, eggs, beans, refined grains, sesame, melon seeds, green leafy vegetables and so on. Adhere to physical exercise, accept more sunbathing, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, drink less coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks, eat less sugar and salt, animal protein should not be too much, late marriage, less childbearing, lactation should not be too long, as far as possible to preserve calcium in the body, enrich the calcium bank, and raise the bone peak to the maximum value is the best measure to prevent osteoporosis in the later stage of life.

Misunderstandings to be avoided in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

1. Calcium supplementation can cure osteoporosis

Many old people mistakenly believe that people are old and their bones are brittle, so they should take calcium tablets to prevent and cure osteoporosis. Actually, that's not the case.

Osteoporosis is a systemic metabolic bone disease, which is a manifestation of human aging. Osteoporosis generally occurs in women 5-10 years after menopause and men between 65 and 70 years old. Both men and women generally reach the highest bone mass in their lifetime at the age of 30 to 35, which is called peak bone mass. After that, the bones began to be lost. Thus it can be seen that if you want to grow old and strong, you must lay a good foundation before the age of 35. With a solid foundation, there is not much left until old age. Therefore, a large amount of calcium supplementation for the elderly can not reverse the trend of osteopenia, nor can it cure osteoporosis.

2. The etiology of osteoporosis is not discussed.

Osteoporosis is mainly divided into two categories: primary osteoporosis and secondary osteoporosis. For different types of osteoporosis, treatment methods are not the same, must not be distinguished, all calcium supplements, otherwise there will be complications. Calcium supplements are very effective for secondary osteoporosis, such as osteoporosis caused by calcium dystrophy, while calcium supplements cannot be used to treat primary osteoporosis. The vast majority of osteoporosis in the elderly is primary osteoporosis, this type of elderly should be treated under the guidance of doctors, blindly supplement calcium has no effect.

At present, there is no effective means to cure osteoporosis in the world, only prevention and mitigation can be done. As advertised in some advertisements, taking certain calcium supplements can cure osteoporosis, which makes no sense.

3. The more calcium, the better.

Many old people mistakenly believe that the more calcium is added, the more it is absorbed, and the more bones are formed. Actually, that's not the case. Usually, people over the age of 60 need to take 800 milligrams of calcium a day. Excessive calcium supplements do not turn into bones if there is too much calcium in the blood. Can lead to hypercalcemia, and can cause complications, such as kidney stones, vascular calcification and so on, harmful to the health of the elderly.