Coffee review

Starbucks order secret book | Coffee calorie manual is no longer afraid of "getting fat".

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Communication of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) when summer arrives, if you don't drink coffee, the death Star will be unable to walk when you see Star Dad. It is a great joy in life to have a cup of iced coffee in the afternoon and watch a movie with a sip of Frappuccino on weekends. If Xiao V told you: a cup of Daddy Star is almost equivalent to a meal, will you hesitate to order?


For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When summer comes, if you don't drink coffee, death Star people will be unable to walk when they see the father of Xing. It is a great joy in life to have a cup of iced coffee in the afternoon and watch a movie with a sip of Frappuccino on weekends.

If Xiao V tells you:

One cup of Daddy Star heat.

It's almost like a dinner.

Do you hesitate when you order?

Today, Xiao V will take Starbucks as an example to tell you about coffee.

Common calorie and nutritional composition of coffee

Small V to do a table comparison, here do not waste much breath, look at the following table can be clear at a glance.

1 espresso / American coffee

Recommended number: ★

Espresso / American coffee is almost the lowest-calorie coffee drink, with only one espresso (American plus water) and one cup less than 20kcal, refreshing and refreshing.

2 latte

Recommended number: ★★★★

The latte consists of an espresso heated milk and a large cup of calories only 223kcal. Its calories mainly come from milk, without adding extra sugar and too much fat. Compared with the American style, the flavor of coffee will be weaker, but the bitterness will be lighter, making it more suitable for people who are not tolerant to caffeine.

3 cappuccino

Recommended number: ★★★

Cappuccino is often mistaken for high calorie, and Xiao V has always rejected cappuccino before making this calorie comparison. In terms of calories, cappuccino is even lower than latte, a large cup of calories less than 150kcal, made of espresso milk and foam, suitable for people who pursue a dense taste.

4 mocha, vanilla latte, caramel macchiato

Recommended number: not recommended!

As for mocha, vanilla latte and caramel macchiato, don't think about it. Mocha is actually an espresso, with milk, cream and mocha sauce. Each large cup of mocha has more calories than 360kcal, and cream and mocha sauce are its main sources of calories. Although vanilla latte has the word "latte", it soars its calories to 461kcal, twice as much as ordinary lattes because of the addition of vanilla syrup As for caramel macchiato, it is not surprising that it is as high as 369kcal in terms of caramel sauce and vanilla syrup.

Coffee drink (Frappuccino) calories and ingredients

In Xiao V's view, Frappuccino is not coffee at all. At best, it is called "coffee drink".

For example, many people like to drink cocoa fragments star Frappuccino, which is simply a heat bomb! Its main ingredients are an espresso, milk, cream, mocha syrup, chocolate sauce and cocoa fragments. Each large cup of cocoa fragments Frappuccino has up to 470kcal calories, including 72g carbohydrates (66g sugar) and 18g fat (12g saturated fat). Drinking such a drink full of sugar and cream is equivalent to eating the calories of nearly a meal, while consuming too much added sugar and fat.

As for mocha Frappuccino, Caramel Frappuccino, Vanilla Frappuccino … Basically, the medium cup has about 350kcal calories. If you can't resist their temptation, take a two-hour walk or run for 40 minutes on the treadmill to burn it out.

Of course, Xiao V doesn't have the heart to kill all the Frappuccinos with one shot. After all, isn't fitness for more enjoyable eating and drinking? Of all the cappuccinos, Coffee Star Frappuccino is relatively healthier, consisting of an espresso with milk and smoothies, with about 240kcal calories, similar to a latte.

"do something" and drink healthier.

Seeing here, I'm sure you can find a pattern: most of the calories in all those over-calorie coffee or coffee drinks come from extra cream and syrup. So if you can't quit coffee drinks and want to drink healthily, "tamper with" these additions.

Healthy TIPS

1. Get rid of cream: Starbucks adds a lot of cream to many high-calorie coffee drinks; choosing not to add cream to each cup of coffee drink can save about 100kcal calories and avoid 10g fat intake; for you who are suffering from fat loss, this 10g fat is obviously more appropriate to choose high-quality fats such as nuts or avocados.

two。 Get rid of caramel and syrup: the main ingredients of Starbucks syrup and caramel are sucrose or fructose; too much sugar will not only make you fat, but also lead to insulin stimulation and sugar addiction over time.

Next, Xiao V will take caramel Frappuccino, Vanilla Star Frappuccino, and Cocoa fragment Frappuccino with extremely high order rates as examples to show you how to "tamper" with Star Frappuccino.

1 caramel star Frappuccino

A large caramel cappuccino has about 410kcal calories and takes more than 50 minutes to jog to burn off. You can actually change the barista to Light Blended Beverage: skim the whole milk used in Frappuccino, remove the Topping made from whipped cream and caramel syrup, and change it to regular milk foam-so that the calories of a cup with the same size will drop to 140kcal.

2 Vanilla Star Frappuccino

The large cup of vanilla star cappuccino is as high as 430kcal because it contains a lot of sweet whipped cream.

3 cocoa fragments star Frappuccino

The heat bomb mentioned earlier, the large cup has as much heat as 470kcal.

In addition to the above methods, you can also go to the seasoning table to season by yourself. Since Sept. 6 last year, a green sugar bag has appeared in 9000 Starbucks stores in the United States and Canada, stevia. Stevioside is a natural sweetener, which is much healthier than granulated sugar. I believe that China is just around the corner.

In addition to sweeteners, Starbucks' seasoning counter has a variety of spices such as vanilla powder, nutmeg powder and cinnamon powder, which give coffee a more unique flavor with almost no calories.

A summary of distractions.

1. The above analysis is not limited to Starbucks. If you walk into any cafe without adding extra sugar, the calorie ratio is basically concentrated / American < cappuccino < latte < mocha.

two。 It is recommended that friends who want to drink healthily choose black coffee (espresso / American). If you don't like the bitter taste, you can add milk and sugar substitute (in fact, whole milk is completely ok, and if you have a strict need to reduce fat, you need to control calories and then choose skimming). In this way, the calories in a cup generally do not exceed 80kcal.

3. Caffeine can increase excitement during training and has been shown to promote fat burning, so having a cup of coffee before training is a good choice: consume more than 150-250mg caffeine within the tolerable range before training, drink 60ml espresso and a medium / large American before training.

4. For white-collar workers who only need a cup of coffee to refresh themselves, a cup of coffee under 150 calories is innocuous. You can have an American, cappuccino or a small latte.