Coffee review

Why do Japanese office workers abandon Starbucks to the embrace of Nestle Coffee maker?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are as many as 5 million vending machines in Japan, but most of the vending machines in the office will not be replaced once installed, so the manufacturers who are the first to enter the market have an overwhelming advantage. Moreover, if the target is the vending machine for the office, the business model at this time is the transaction between enterprises, which is reversed for enterprises like Nestl é, which used to take consumers as the main customer group.

There are as many as 5 million vending machines in Japan, but most of the vending machines in the office will not be replaced once installed, so the manufacturers who are the first to enter the market have an overwhelming advantage.

Moreover, if the target is office vending machines, the business model is inter-enterprise transactions, and it must be very difficult for companies like Nestl é, which used to focus on consumers, to reverse the disadvantage.

However, Nestl é still succeeded in winning the office coffee market. How on earth is this done?

Tip: even if the location of the installation is a corporate office, is "enterprise" really the primary consideration?

Superimposed technology

Put aside the preconceived ideas and reformulate the strategy

Generally speaking, if the enterprise (B to C) which takes the consumer as the main target customer group wants to turn its goal to the enterprise (B to B) and open up new markets, it will often set up a special team to expand enterprise customers first. However, Nestl é does not divide the target group first, but first examines the resources within the company.

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If you think about it, a business person drinking coffee in the office, even if the company's chief executive comes home from work, is just an ordinary consumer. Such being the case, there is no need to start with the relationship between enterprises. Instead of focusing on building strong relationships with other companies, let existing Nestle enthusiasts help expand their business. Nestl é found another possibility from a different point of view.

Put aside the preconceived concept, put aside the thinking that it is necessary to set up a special team to take the enterprise as the customer group, and let Nestl é formulate a completely different strategic approach.

The advantages and ideas of the enterprise

Want to break into the coffee market in the office

Nestl é hopes to expand the coffee market beyond the general consumer's office market. However, neither the number nor experience can compare with the existing participants in the office market, and the contract between enterprises is difficult to change, which is very disadvantageous to the manufacturers who join late. If you do not find another way, it is very difficult to achieve the goal of breaking into the office market.

The truth of consumers

I really want easy follicular coffee.

Starbucks and Tarly coffee (TULLY'S COFFEE) are not cheap, and you have to go out and buy them if you want to drink them. But drinking only canned coffee makes people feel unhappy. It would be great to drink freshly brewed coffee easily, but there is a shortage of this type of product on the market.

Find the overlapping parts.

Nestle Ambassador Nescaf é Ambassador

Nestl é has begun lending free coffee machines to office consumers who want to easily taste freshly brewed coffee. Instead of setting up a special team aimed at enterprises, Nestl é chooses to lend coffee machines free of charge, taking the cost of coffee powder as a source of revenue, which can be said to be a completely consumer-oriented marketing strategy. For users, they can get a coffee maker for free and easily enjoy their favorite Nestle coffee in the office, creating a win-win result.

Nestl é also recruited Nestle coffee drinkers within the company to become "Nestle ambassadors". Ambassador Nestl é assists Nestl é in collecting fees for coffee powder and managing coffee machines. Nestl é has created a business model that can operate without a vending machine and earns considerable profits.