Coffee review

The new Internet celebrity in the coffee industry, Starbucks Air-cooled Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cold extract Coffee now the hottest coffee has changed from cold extract coffee to air cooled extract! So, who is the new online celebrity in the coffee industry? What is the charm that has attracted countless people to flock to it? ● editor will join you today to increase knowledge. When I first heard of it, I was attracted by its name. It uses a special process.

Cold extract coffee

Now the most popular coffee has changed from cold extract coffee to air-induced ™cold extract!

So, who is the new online celebrity in the coffee industry?

What is the charm, attracted countless people flock to it?

● editor will join you today to increase knowledge.

When I first heard of the cold extraction of ™, I was attracted by its name.

It uses a special processing method by injecting nitrogen into cold-extracted coffee with low temperature and slow extraction, creating a fine, dense foam layer that is as smooth as velvet. It not only perfectly balances the acidity and mellowness of the coffee, but also retains its rich taste and complete aroma.

Fall in love with Qi-induced ™cold extract coffee

It started from the moment the Starbucks coffee master poured coffee into the glass.

Air-cooled coffee rich in dense bubbles along the transparent wall of the cup

Pouring down like a miniature waterfall, layers of detailed bubbles rise gradually in the transparent light and shadow of the coffee.

It can be called a visual feast.

In addition to the special extraction process

The surprise of gas-induced ™cold extract coffee lies in its exclusive coffee beans.

Of course, it's all thanks to the Starbucks coffee research and development team in Seattle.

After dozens of attempts, they finally carefully assembled and baked this one:

70% chocolate taste from Colombian Narino

30% comes from African citrus flavor and delicate taste.

Glam, the coolest goddess who has drunk Nitro, told the editor

"A taste in the mouth, thick foam on the lips, as smooth as velvet feel gently, and wrapped in the mellow, sweet coffee, what a pleasant surprise."

(has everyone been in an unbearable mood?)

Coffee is so wonderful that even if the same coffee bean is cooked in different ways, it will bring a new sensory experience of sight, smell and taste.

According to Glam, as time goes on, the more nitrogen goes up, the more obvious the layering becomes. Holding it for 3 minutes is the best flavor, because the dense foam will dissipate after 3 minutes.

Therefore, it is recommended that you must drink it in the store and take the first sip within 12 seconds.

Not only that, the editor quietly told everyone that although Nitro is good-looking, it is very low in calories.

With only 5 calories, you have no burden at all.