Coffee review

Millions of cups of coffee were drunk on the plane. How did the airline choose coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, United offers 197261 cups of coffee a day on all routes around the world; Delta offers Starbucks coffee on 5000 flights around the world; Qantas offers 25000 cups of coffee a day on flights around the world. KLM offers 18.55 million cups of coffee a year on global routes. At an altitude of 30,000 feet that we didn't notice, so was coffee.

United offers 197261 cups of coffee a day on all routes around the world; Delta offers Starbucks coffee on 5000 flights around the world; Qantas offers 25000 cups of coffee a day on flights around the world. KLM offers 18.55 million cups of coffee a year on global routes.

Coffee is also a big business at an altitude of 30,000 feet that we didn't notice. A coffee maker supplier called Dripped Coffee provides a list of coffee providers from 44 airlines in 22 countries to let consumers know that high-quality coffee is high in the air and is something to look forward to.

For airlines that offer a high-end flight experience, choosing coffee is also a sign of taste, and they will blindly test many kinds of coffee to find out which taste is best for 30,000 feet.

So, what are the criteria for each airline to choose coffee?

First choice of local coffee

The preferred purchase of domestic coffee brands, from this point, the United States airlines choose Starbucks, British airlines choose Kenco, Swiss airlines choose Nestle, Portugal Airlines choose Delta Delta coffee, Hawaiian Airlines uses Hawaiian coffee, Japan Airlines chooses its own coffee brand JAL Cafe Lines and so on.

The coffee culture of our country decides

Whether airlines attach importance to coffee or not also depends on whether the country has a strong coffee culture. In Britain, which has a better tea culture, its airlines prefer instant coffee, while Turkish Airlines, which has a unique demand for coffee taste, directly put traditional Turkish brewed coffee on the plane.

Consider the local coffee drinking habit

Flight altitude, cabin humidity and other reasons may lead to changes in coffee taste, but in general, airlines' choice of coffee also reflects local coffee habits, such as large cups of coffee in Canada and the United States. Airlines in Arab, Western and Central European countries are mostly espresso.