Coffee review

Coffee farmers carry coffee now and in the future!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In this world, there are such a group of people, they deal with the land every day, they are not afraid of the wind, not afraid of the sun, they check from the source of coffee planting, they are diligent in the coffee field every day, care for every coffee, they are coffee farmers! The so-called grain is hard, and it is not too much to use on coffee. Please cherish every cup of coffee we drink,

In this world, there is a group of people who deal with the land every day. They are not afraid of the wind or the sun. They check from the source of coffee cultivation. They work diligently in the coffee field every day and take care of every grain of coffee. They are farmers!

As the saying goes, "every grain is the hard work of farmers". It is not too much to use it on coffee.

Please cherish every cup of coffee we drink. Behind this cup of coffee, there is a unique taste in each coffee fruit. It gathers the intentions of many people, such as farmers, gardeners, bakers, baristas and baristas.

Today, I would like to share with you the story about farmers behind this cup of coffee. Their simplicity and diligence carry the present and future of coffee, and grow a fragrant coffee bean with a simple farmer's ingenuity.

In the eyes of farmers, the mature season of coffee is the most beautiful scenery in the world, because they believe that "treat all things sincerely, naturally live up to people"!

In the past, coffee cultivation was not as large-scale as it is now, and coffee farmers would not specifically ask coffee people who specialize in coffee to provide guidance. They fumbled slowly from the aspects of seedling raising, planting, management, picking, and initial processing. In this process, coffee, like other crops, will be affected by many factors, and the confidence of coffee farmers will inevitably be eroded.

Through the new cooperation model, Beaton Coffee transfers farmers' land to the company, rehires farmers to plant and manage, and arranges special guidance for planting and primary processing, so as to ensure that farmers are risk-free, generate more income and speed up the poverty alleviation of farmers in the base.


Raising seedlings and planting

The growth of coffee is like the slow life in Yunnan. It takes about four years from sowing and emergence to hanging attractive berries.

On the first day the seeds were sown, the farmers watched them break the soil, sprout, wait for four pairs of stems and leaves, and then "carry" them up the mountain to really accept the natural rain and soil nourishment, although primitive and hard, but for delicate seedlings, bamboo basket is the most comfortable means of transportation.


Management, picking

In the next few years after the coffee trees were planted, they took good care of them. The farmers took care of their own children, topping, disinfestating and irrigating.

Slowly watching them thrive, to the harvest season, Yunnan coffee picking season lasts from October to March of the following year, the peak period is usually from December to January. We can see the bright smiles on their faces, and they pick them by hand only so that they can pick ripe fruit and keep their "children" from getting hurt, which means that it takes several times for a tree to be picked back and forth, and the index finger and thumb are the best collecting tools.


Traffic, transportation

As we all know, the quality of coffee is closely related to altitude and planting environment. Generally speaking, the higher the altitude, the better the quality of coffee. The altitude of the base is 800-1700m.

The mountain road is rugged, and all the places where you can drive up are transported by pick-up trucks, and in some places cars can't go up at all. Therefore, after coffee picking is finished, transportation has become a relatively difficult task. The basic transportation of narrow mountain roads can only rely on motorcycles and walking tractors, and in steeper places, you can imagine the degree of hardship.


Primary processing, treatment

After the coffee fruit is harvested, it should be processed in time, and honey treatment, sun exposure or washing should be carried out according to the need and the quality of the coffee.

After manual screening, fully ripe and full-grained fresh coffee fruits are selected to make fine sun-dried coffee; select high-quality fruits, then peel off the pulp and leave the endocarp, which is rich in sugar and sour taste, in the process of drying, sweetness and sour taste will slowly seep into the coffee beans, and then sun-dried for honey treatment.

Using water washing method, select high-quality coffee fruit, use the machine to remove the peel and pulp, leaving only the coffee beans wrapped in endocarp. At this time, there is a layer of mucous membrane on the outside of the beans. The process of washing is to clean this mucous membrane. Coffee beans washed with water have good gloss and less foreign bodies.


To bask in the field or air.

Coffee beans are usually dried in the open air and stored with the help of the heat of the sun. In this process, coffee beans need to be properly flipped to prevent unnecessary fermentation, but should not be dried too fast and dried step by step, otherwise, it will lead to the rupture of coffee beans and loss of aromatic substances.


Drink a cup of coffee in the mountains

As farmers, while working hard, they will also enjoy the fruits of their work. In the base, with the fragrance and natural scenery of the soil, they brew a pot of coffee in a simple and professional way.

Now, what we Su see is only one side, but for the farmers, what they have to do is not only that, regardless of the wind or the sun, but for every coffee on the mountain, the sunshine of Rain Water every day is the gift and nourishment of nature, all indispensable.

Seeing here, I wonder if Ka Nong's concentration, dedication and simplicity have moved you?