Coffee review

Get up in the morning and drink coffee to refresh yourself? Often the consequences of drinking "these three opportunities" are terrible.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, ▲ often drinks coffee at 8 or 9 o'clock, which blocks the secretion of cortisol. (photo / taken from librestock) Professional barista Communication Please follow the coffee shop (official Wechat account cafe_style) getting up early to make a cup of coffee in the kitchen to refresh yourself, or getting a cup of coffee while commuting on the way to work has become a modern routine? It is recommended to get rid of this daily habit, because according to "TIME"

▲ often drinks coffee at 8 or 9 o'clock, which blocks the secretion of cortisol. (figure / taken from librestock website)

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Getting up early to refresh yourself with a cup of coffee in the kitchen, or getting a cup of coffee while commuting on the way to work has become a modern routine. It is recommended to get rid of this daily habit, because scientists refute that the habit of getting up early to drink coffee is actually very bad, according to the website TIME. The point is that the production of cortisol reaches a high level in the morning. If you like coffee, it will interfere with its secretion, making it more and more dependent on caffeine in the future.

It is reported that coffee is not recommended when you get up in the morning, because it is the peak of the "stress hormone" cortisol secretion, which has a boost effect. Once caffeine is consumed, it will interfere with the body's secretion of cortisol and gradually reduce its secretion. As a result, you have to consume more caffeine to "compensate" to achieve the same refreshing effect, and it will make you more and more dependent on coffee.

Drinking coffee at the wrong time will become more and more ineffective.

Go to work, want to sleep, insomnia, sleepy. (photo / photo by reporter Li Jiarong)

According to a 2009 study, the article points out that the level of cortical purity has three peaks in a day, not only in the early morning, but also at 1pm and 05:30-06:30, so the best time to drink coffee is when cortisol is low. 10:00, 2pm and 5pm are all good choices, but you should also consider your physical condition, especially those who are prone to insomnia. It is recommended that you stop drinking coffee after 2pm to avoid being unable to sleep in the middle of the night.