Coffee review

The test of fondant cake is the coffee you haven't drunk

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style ) Girlfriend secretly went to learn sugar cake, because she wanted to surprise me on my birthday, but she also hoped that I could give back something when the time came. Cooking is too far for me, so I never thought about it. The only thought is to get a drink that looks very powerful. By the way, I can eat it with her cake and ask my friends around me.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

My girlfriend secretly went to learn to flip sugar cake because she wanted to surprise me on my birthday.

As a result, she also hoped that I could give something back. The cooking was so far away that I didn't even think about it.

The only thing I can think of is to get a drink that looks strong, which can go with her cake by the way.

Ask your friends that tea and coffee go well with each other.

So boring, so contemptuous of me, XDDD

Personally, I like coffee pull very much, but I want more changes to show my heart.

I have studied it for a long time. I have tried all kinds of strange rake combinations.

At present, I have come up with a hen Weiwei to greatly identify ^ + ^ for you.

My "desktop retro style iced coffee"

Mainly used ancient wax gourd tea and computer-selected peanut milk.

This group goes well with American coffee.

When my girlfriend knows that I have racked my brains so hard, it should be full of tears, right?

Let's take a look at what I do.


1. American coffee, the coffee powder I bought from Nestl é can be washed directly into cold water. It's super convenient.

two。 Wax gourd tea, the earlier the better

3. Milk and peanuts must be selected by computer.


1. Pour coffee powder into the cup

two。 Dissolve the coffee powder directly into the cup of wax gourd tea (so be sure to dissolve the coffee powder in ice water)

3. Add milk peanuts

Finished! Does it look like peanut immortal grass tea--

But it's really delicious, it tastes like retro black tea and latte!

Coffee aroma and milk peanuts are a perfect combination.

Those who don't believe can try...

At the end of this sharing, you are welcome to continue to help me think.