Coffee review

The Taiwan champion will win or lose 99 of the top players in Korea in 8 minutes. Seoul is very popular.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Exchange of professional baristas Please follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) hand brewing competition to make coffee by hand. Coffee maker who boasts the characteristics of hand brewing, siphon and espresso has become popular recently, and even held a competition in Taiwan, attracting nearly 100 people to sign up. Finally, the champion will represent Taiwan to South Korea to participate in the World Coffee Competition. This competition is also

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Hand Coffee Competition

Coffee makers who boast the characteristics of hand-brewing, siphon and espresso have become popular recently, and have even held competitions in Taiwan, attracting nearly 100 applicants. In the end, the champion will be able to represent Taiwan to South Korea to participate in the World Coffee Competition. This competition also combines the market for the first time to attract the general public to know hand-brewed coffee with beer and delicious food.

Ns grind beans a full color coffee beans into the grinder, a few seconds overflowing with fragrance, but then not into the ordinary filter cup, but the popular hand-brewed coffee equipment in northern Europe. B organizer S hot water temperature, coffee powder, soaking time, stirring speed, and finally pressing the pressure channel, all affect the taste of the finished coffee. Hand-brewed coffee is popular from northern Europe to Taiwan, and even holds competitions. The contestants of the NS competition will pour out a cup of coffee in just eight minutes for the judges to test and select a winner from 99 contestants to represent Taiwan to Seoul, South Korea to compete for the world championship. B organizer S is the first time that the highest hall in the world has held a hand-brewing coffee contest in conjunction with the market, attracting more people to participate in the event. The number of visitors has exceeded 1,000 in less than a day, using the charm of coffee, beer, and delicious food to promote hand-brewed coffee.