Coffee review

The most awesome coffee cup in the universe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, "the best coffee cup in the universe", have you ever seen it? It is the first cup to be used to drink hot coffee in space without gravity.



"the best coffee cup in the universe", have you ever seen it? It is the first cup to be used to drink hot coffee in space without gravity.


Sealed bags and plastic straws for astronauts to drink drinks

We all know that in the absence of gravity in space, astronauts usually have to use sealed bags and plastic straws if they want to drink, otherwise the liquid may float in mid-air, which will be troublesome. What's more, if it's hot coffee, it's more at risk of being scalded.



In the case of no gravity in space, the liquid floats in mid-air and can only be sucked with the mouth!



NASA astronaut Don Pettit loves coffee. He thinks coffee should be tasted one by one from a coffee cup, so he tries to drink a cup of coffee instead of a straw.



First squeeze the hot coffee in the sealed bag into the cup and then watch me perform!

"We can draw our coffee from the bag, but it's hard to drink a cup of coffee from a cup because you can't control the liquid in the cup from gravity and pour it out of the cup." Don Pettit (Don Pettit) said.



If you drink coffee, you should drink it from a cup. ha ha, not bad!

As a result, a great invention was born, and the coffee cup, which is "the best in the universe", appeared in the whole world. The first "cosmic gravity-free coffee cup" used in the outer space station.





Come on! This is not the "National Devil Competition"!

He used a plastic skin on the outside of a notebook that recorded mission data files and folded it into a teardrop shape with a closed end like a slit. This creates capillarity, using the surface tension of the liquid to keep the coffee floating and running in the cup.


"the way this works is that this section looks like an airplane wing," he said. Take advantage of the narrow slits here to drink coffee.


The theory behind this seemingly simple invention is the same as how to smoothly supply the fuel of the rocket fuel tank into the engine for rocket flight under the condition of weightlessness in space.

"this is probably the cup used by future space colonists, and you can enjoy a cup of coffee in a space weightlessness environment without having to come from a bag," Don Pettit said. "you can drink to the last drop. "



It's so beautiful, you have to drink up your coffee!

Amazing, worthy of being the "most awesome" coffee cup in the universe!