Coffee review

If you can't do your best to make the best coffee for the customer, you are not qualified to stand in front of the coffee machine.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Communication of professional baristas Please follow the program of Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) for some time. I have heard other people talk about this program and seen comments about it before, which is negative. It means that the business of shops on the verge of closure will certainly be good after the uproar of the media-and so on. Usually, I do not watch TV and I do not care much about it.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

This program seems to have been around for some time. I have heard others talk about this program before, and I have also seen comments about this program. It is negative, meaning that the store on the verge of closing down will certainly have a good business after the media's noise---and so on. I usually don't have the habit of watching TV and don't care much. One night, perhaps I came home earlier and inadvertently turned on the TV. It happened to be this program. This program greatly resonated with me.

After watching it for a few weeks in a row, some people still have unfinished business. Those who have already opened a shop or want to open a shop should watch this program, not to see how those who fail or are on the verge of failure can make a comeback, but to see [the enthusiasm of the master]!

The shooting process of the program has a certain procedure. At the beginning, there is a letter asking for help, then the camera pulls to this failed shop to introduce how failed this shop is, then asks the jury to study how to save this shop, then the master comes on stage and teaches the secret, then this loser starts to study again, the camera turns to the process of studying, then learns to go down the mountain and reopen, finally the teacher's guidance, the apprentice's efforts, the media advertising promotion, this shop finally resurrects from the dead. And create several times higher than the original performance, the program will also end with a few months after the operation of the interview, to prove that the transformation is powerful, not only because of advertising,

I like the show not because she wants to prove that she can be brought back to life with the right medicine, nor because the writers seize on people's psychology of watching comeback stories and make her a little emotional.

What I see is Master Passion.

The most profound memory is the "pot stickers master" that paragraph, a 40-year-old chef, selling pot stickers and Chinese noodles until midnight to work to maintain a living, but in order to open a shop and borrow debt, but it is a lingering nightmare, the burden of life really makes people dare not have a future, can only live one day! Depressed, do wife finally to this program for help, if not resolved I am afraid someone will commit suicide!

Scene a turn, the protagonist of the story came to Tokyo one of the most famous potstickers shop, program unit please out of the potstickers master to teach the secret, the master first asked the protagonist to try a plate of potstickers, and then the protagonist to the kitchen with their own method to do a, do it, the master said:

The Master said,"You can go back."

When our protagonist heard this, he was dumbfounded and looked at her blankly.

The master said,"You have been a chef for decades for nothing. If you come here and still use the lazy way of doing things before, you don't have to come again!" The main character we see on screen is really lazy and lifeless.

A master is a master, and his speech is more direct. Of course, not every master is like this; but at that time, I was also stunned, thinking that this master really has personality!

What the Master said next could summarize the reasons why all Masters became Masters,

The master said,"If you can't do your best to make the best potstickers for customers, you are not qualified to stand in front of this stove."

If you can't make the best coffee you can for the customer, you don't deserve to stand in front of the coffee machine.

This spirit runs through the whole program, no matter which master, all have this spirit, this spirit is [passion] of [making the best], it is [passion of making the best] that keeps you engaged, it is [passion of making the best] that keeps you going, it is [passion of making the best] that makes you touch the heart of the customer, it is [passion of making the best] that makes you considerate of the customer, it is [passion of making the best] that makes you touch the customer, so the customer comes again and again. All of this is reflected in the satisfaction written on customers 'faces.

Not money, not service, not decoration, not style!

[This passion doesn't seem to exist in Taiwan's cafes]