Coffee review

On Fine Coffee: is the quality of raw beans important or technology important?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) I spend a lot of time writing words that are almost dismantling other people's platforms for one purpose-[coffee is not just what you think it is.] Most of the time we are immersed in the joy of narcissism, such as the word "boutique coffee" on the signboard, when we open the shop every day.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I spend a lot of time writing words that are almost tearing down other people's stations for only one purpose-coffee is not just what you think. ]

Most of the time we are immersed in the joy of narcissism, such as the word "boutique coffee" on the signboard. When we open the shop every day, we will be energized involuntarily. [I all use the best beans -] (secretly happy in my heart) (I will never use those cheap commercial beans) another voice in my heart rises like a mantra, constantly self-reinforcing and self-hypnotic.

One of my guests is a native of Taichung studying in Taipei. there is a self-baking shop where he often goes back to Taichung. The owner knows that he is going to leave the army and hopes that he can work hard with him. I, a guest, felt that there was still a lot of room for improvement in his beans, so I took some beans that he thought were good to give him a try. Three formula beans, the first bag he said was too black, my bean grinder did not grind the oil of the beans, the second packet he said that these were all commercial beans, there was no need to try, and in the third bag he looked as if he was embarrassed and boiled them all casually, saying that the beans tasted bad.

Shoot all of them.

My guest told me later-I really don't know how to communicate with him about the quality of coffee beans. He is dismissive of what I specially brought him to try. What can I learn from him?

In the years when I first opened the shop, there was an upsurge of racing in Taiwan, saying that racing cars just surrounded an open space and set up a few cones. The abandoned river in Shilin and the parking lot of the eight Immortals Paradise could all be competition venues. At that time, I still had some money in my pocket to set up a four-generation, three-door Simi and others to form a motorcade to play. In order to speed up, I had to change my car. How could I change it? At that time, there was no modification factory, and almost all the parts were replaced with the Japanese superior car model, and they were forced into them with reference to Japanese modified magazines. At that time, they did not think that they needed any driving skills. Anyway, it was good to step on the throttle and win. Then someone in the motorcade began to change the VW-golf, and a bunch of people suddenly found that the European car was not as hard as the Japanese car, so immediately everyone changed to play golf, and then bmw,benz, and everyone kept throwing money up. At this time, there are constantly car crashes involving so-and-so. Later, the result of the review turned out to be that we would only step on the accelerator, not the brakes. I can't drive those cars at all. Then there is a plan to practice the basic movements. It turns out that Xi Mei is the best training car. Easy to open a good hand to cut the bend, the car body is light and close to the ground, the modification is easy to upgrade, and the maintenance is cheap. Of course, playing with the car also lost my working capital, !

At that time, the people who changed the car and the modification factory were not swarms of famous brands, or they changed it at random, and then blew a lot of cowskin. Just like today's boutique coffee.

Why am I writing this paragraph? In order to pursue high performance, I kept spending a lot of money to change my car, but I never thought I couldn't control it at all. From the continuous occurrence of accidents and even endanger their own lives before realizing the inadequacy of their own ability.

That period of crazy history of playing with cars is like the popularity of boutique coffee now-only constantly changing heavy equipment, constantly looking for high-priced beans-special beans, but never thinking that they simply do not have the ability to deal with them.

A friend of a friend of mine, who spent 30,000 to 40,000 yuan on two cup test courses, proudly declared that {I have mastered all the flavors]. Another friend of mine tried coffee with him all afternoon with only one sentence: "can you be more stable? don't be different every time."

What kind of taste can you master if you can't even stabilize it?

He was shortlisted in this competition. But have you found that there is a big gap between the leading group and the backward group, most of which are less than 420 points? There is a gap of more than 50 points with the leading group. This gap is known from informal channels that it is poor in espresso.

As a friend of my friend, when I was practicing, I was told by my friend that espresso has a bad taste. His friend, who had taken two cup tests, replied-"No!" I think it's great. As a result, after the announcement of the game, he went to consult an acquaintance in private, and the judge said to him, "your Cabo score is high, but espresso has a bad taste." ]

That's 900 yuan a kilo of raw beans!

Milk is very important, it can make coffee delicious and even create a special charming aroma, but that's not coffee, it's milk coffee. Today, when we talk about boutique coffee, it doesn't include milk.

He doesn't know that his coffee won't work, but he thinks he can master the taste of every cup.

Many times I really do not know the cure, why can there be so many birds singing and flowers in the thin and miscellaneous liquid? Is my sense of taste too dull?

When we talk about baking and cooking, we will think that our technical ability is the same, our background is the same, our understanding ability is the same, and our evaluation ability is the same.

Many people who play the so-called boutique coffee disdain the so-called commercial beans. Just like those who play bmw disdain to play Ximei. It was not until he was eaten to death that he had to admit that his car was not better than you, but that his skill was better than yours. Of course, it's important that the car is good. At least it's safer. It's okay for people to say, "what a bad car you are-], but I'd rather be worthy of technology than money.

Top ingredients can make your products very persuasive, can also enhance your technical ability, expand your horizons, and enrich your taste. However, the ability of top chefs is to raise general ingredients to a level close to top ingredients! Top ingredients are just window dressing, in order to attract spotlight publicity. The real thing that can show skill and make money is the ability to treat ordinary ingredients as well as top ingredients.

If the average cook can not find the top ingredients or can not deal with the top ingredients, they will probably have to drift with the tide and go with the fate.