Coffee review

What kind of experience is it to learn to pull flowers from Mr. Lim Dong-Won, the master of coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) I like coffee, but one day I did not expect to go to the [coffee master-Lim Dong-Won teacher] pull flower course, so happy! Lim Dong-Won is very famous in the coffee industry, often participating in domestic and foreign coffee flower competitions to win awards, but also opened a GABEE in Taiwan. Coffee shop. People who like to drink coffee often go there.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I like drinking coffee, but I didn't expect to go to the flower pulling course of [coffee master-Mr. Lim Dong-Won] one day. I'm so happy! Lim Dong-Won is very famous in the coffee industry. He often takes part in domestic and foreign coffee drawing competitions to win prizes, and also opens a GABEE in Taiwan. Coffee shop, a coffee shop frequented by those who like to drink coffee, did not expect that the Niceday play experience has Lim Dong-Won 's flower drawing course, basic class! It's a basic class! It's a course I can take. I'm so lucky!

Niceday play experience provides

You can learn to pull flowers from [coffee master-teacher Lim Dong-Won] up close, Tut-tut. I'm so happy that I can't sleep. I'm looking forward to class. This class is from 10: 00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon. I have a rest for an hour at noon. I have a lot of lessons in the professional coffee classroom for a whole day. At the beginning, the teacher asked the students to introduce themselves. After all, we coffee-loving students have to spend a day together. Let's get to know each other first.

Some people from Kaohsiung come to class by high-speed railway, some from Taoyuan and Zhongli, and most from Taipei, and some bar staff from coffee shops come specially to learn. However, most of them like to drink coffee and want to learn flower drawing skills. It's nice to meet coffee lovers from all over the world in the course!

Niceday play experience provides

The first half of the Niceday play experience experience is for Mr. Lim Dong-Won to share the coffee story and explain some flower-pulling skills, and the afternoon is the beginning of the practical course. Listening to Mr. Lim Dong-Won in class is really a great enjoyment. He loves coffee and is full of enthusiasm for coffee. Therefore, the coffee knowledge that comes out of his mouth feels particularly emotional.

Niceday play experience provides

Mr. Lim Dong-Won explained that drawing flowers is different from painting flowers, which is painted and pushed and pulled by pouring out milk bubbles from a steel cup. I thought it was the same before class. Like the pattern in the photo, it is painted with props with chocolate sauce or syrup.

Niceday play experience provides

This cup of coffee in the photo is the real pull flower, which requires a lot of skills and practice to achieve the coffee art.

Niceday play experience provides

The practical operation course in the afternoon is operated in the classroom next to it, where there are many machines to practice! The practice course is mainly based on the latte made by Espresso to do flower drawing and flower painting exercises.

Niceday play experience provides

Mr. Lim Dong-Won first taught us how to operate the Espresso machine. First he grinded the coffee beans. As soon as the Wow~ coffee beans were opened, the whole classroom was filled with the charming smell of coffee. Just smelling the coffee made me feel refreshed.

Let's grind the coffee beans first, because the coffee powder for Espresso should not be too fine, and the thickness is about in the middle. Knock on the coffee powder full of 9 points with the knife hand, if it is too full, pat off the excess coffee powder with your hand, and then gently press and turn it with professional props to make a leveling action.

Niceday play experience provides

The strength of leveling coffee powder should not be too heavy, lest the coffee powder is too tight, then the high-pressure steam water of the coffee machine is very difficult to flow out.

Niceday play experience provides

Put the coffee powder into the Espresso coffee machine, click the button, and the strong Espresso slowly flows out of the coffee machine.

Niceday play experience provides

Then there is the production of milk bubbles. Everyone practices with their own steel cups. The teacher demonstrates once. First, the milk is injected into a height of about 1x2, then the machine is turned on and the thin steel pipe is put on the surface of the milk. The steel cup is slightly tilted to pump the air into the milk, while moving the steel cup down slowly. When the temperature of the milk is close to 60 degrees, the thin steel pipe will go down. Just mix the milk up and down.

Niceday play experience provides

After beating the foam, scrape off the thicker foam with a spoon, then use the spoon to file the foam, and hold the steel cup to pour the foam up and down. This action is to merge with the Espresso through the upper and lower force of the foam. When the cup is about 2x3 full, use a spoon to scrape the foam into the middle.

At this time, the teacher is going to teach to draw flowers. These two kinds of flowers look very complicated, but after knowing the practice, they are found to be super easy to use and have a great sense of achievement in painting.

Niceday play experience provides

This one is finished by drawing rice characters with chocolate sauce and then drawing circles with the tip of props. This is to draw a few concentric circles with chocolate sauce, then draw a cross from the center of the circle with the tip of the prop, and then draw the center of each line to make a beautiful flower.

Niceday play experience provides

Isn't it beautiful ~ ~ this cup is a work of art at all, and I don't want to drink it! The students at the scene almost succeeded in painting flowers for the first time, and they were all very satisfied with their works.

Niceday play experience provides

In the course of practical operation, teachers and teaching assistants will accompany them to assist, such as making milk bubbles, which is really difficult for beginners. Teachers and teaching assistants are very patient with their guidance. This is the advantage of the small class system. Every student can take care of it.

Pull flowers is the most difficult part of this course, to pull out beautiful graphics, in addition to the foam to play well, dense and can not be separated, the hand holding the steel cup, to shake smoothly and rhythmically, the hand holding the coffee cup, to make the angle adjustment.

Niceday play experience provides

The next time, we will go to practice separately. Some want to pull love into turtles, and some have no time to pull flowers, the milk foam has been full out, although it is a bit difficult, but we study together, the atmosphere of the scene is super happy. I'm going to turn love into roses, Tut-tut. I really need more practice.

Drink the latte made by yourself at the scene. Don't ask me how many drinks I've had. I'm really full! Fortunately, I have prepared the accompanying cup and put the finished product into it, otherwise it would be amazing to drink all the coffee in one day for a week. Spend a day learning to pull flowers, it's really worth knowing more about coffee, drinking good coffee, and getting to know people who love coffee from different places. It's a rich day!

Author: mom Coffee