Coffee review

There have been fewer complaints about food safety problems in Australia, but there has been a marked increase in scandals. what's going on?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional baristas follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) NSW Food Administration (NSW Food Authority) a spokesman for NSW Food Administration (NSW Food Authority) said that the number of complaints about food safety problems (foreign bodies eaten in food) received by local governments decreased in 2016-17, from 448 to 399 between 2014 and 2015. There is no evidence that NSW (meal)

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

A spokesman for the NSW Food Administration (NSW Food Authority) said the number of complaints about food safety issues (eating foreign bodies in food) received by local governments decreased from 448 in 2014 to 2015 to 399 in 2016-17. "there is no evidence that NSW [the catering industry] has lowered food safety standards."

So, is there really less food safety problem in Australia? No, in what we found, it was just the opposite.

The Coffee Club Cafe. (picture from Sydney Morning Herald)

On Monday, Odelia Juniarni took her 3-year-old daughter back to The Coffee Club Cafe in Mascot, Sydney. She ordered a babyccino (decaffeinated cappuccino for children) for her daughter Evelyn as usual, but did not get her daughter's usual smile.

Evelyn, drinking "Baby Coffee" through a straw, suddenly vomited something out of his mouth in a panic. It's just a coffee bean. At first, Juniarni thought her daughter was spitting out an unground coffee bean, but she didn't want the bean to have a head and legs.

"I found it was a dead cockroach and I was scared." She said.

The dead cockroach found in the coffee. (picture from Sydney Morning Herald)

Juniarni, an Asian mother. (picture from Sydney Morning Herald)

According to the photos published in the Sydney Morning Herald, Juniarni has an Asian face. She is a regular customer of this cafe. "We come here a lot, because when you buy coffee, they offer 'Baby Chino' for free. My daughter loves this' coffee 'made for children. " Immediately after the incident, Juniarni hired an employee and asked her daughter why she ate a cockroach from her coffee. The employee apologized and replaced them with a Baby Chino, but was rejected by Juniarni. Who knows if there are more cockroaches hidden in another cup of coffee, another coffee cup or coffee machine? Juniarni thought so at the time.

"I'm not going back to the store to buy free Baby Chino." Juniarni said. Cockroaches can spread salmonella, staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria, and carry polio and other viruses, according to the Victoria government's Better Health website. Germs can survive in the cockroach digestive system for months or even years, and then excreted through the cockroach's feces. When people eat food contaminated by cockroaches, the virus excreted by cockroaches is easy to be infected by humans.

Juniarni then uploaded the live picture to Facebook. The Coffee Club staff then contacted her to apologize and promised to make improvements. In Sydney, the situation encountered by Juniarni is not unique.

This month, food safety incidents occurred one after another in a number of restaurants in Sydney:

(the picture is from the Internet)

A couple found a cabbage bug while enjoying a steak at the The Ranch Hotel Bistro restaurant in North Ryde.

(the picture is from the Internet)

A woman from Newcastle, N.J., filmed a shocking scene while eating at a Nando's restaurant in the hunter's area: maggots emerged from the chicken.

Food safety problems occur frequently in Australia! And the number of complaints is decreasing? What kind of truth is hidden behind all this? We don't know.