Coffee review

Rainy Day Cafe: when I want to concentrate on my work, I will open this website.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista Communication Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) I don't know if you are like me, it is always difficult to concentrate when you want to concentrate on your work or study. Or because it is too quiet, let oneself feel lonely, or there is an annoying guy, always babbling around. I don't want to attribute the reason to "not interested in what I'm doing" because of this.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I don't know if you are like me, it is always difficult to concentrate when you want to concentrate on your work or study.

Or because it is too quiet, let oneself feel lonely, or there is an annoying guy, always babbling around.

I don't want to classify the reason as "not interested in what I'm doing" because it doesn't solve practical problems. When I learned the concept of "background noise", I found a solution.

Today, I will share the background noise with you on AppSo (WeChat appsolution) and a web page that provides comfortable background noise.

What is background noise?

In fact, we have all experienced "background noise".

Do you still remember the scene when the whole class memorized aloud during the morning self-study at school?

It is surprising that we can memorize most of the classical Chinese in such a noisy environment, this is the function of "background noise"-although the surrounding noise is noisy, there is not a sound that attracts enough attention, so it won't have a real impact on you.

Moreover, this environment will give people a sense of substitution, so that we can hold on for a longer time.

Add some noise to the work

At present, there are many "background noise" applications on the market, providing sounds such as rain, thunder, streams, forests, railways, cafes and so on.

We can wear headphones to listen to the sounds we like, and this has many advantages:

Let's not feel lonely when we are quiet.

It can cover the distracting sound in the environment (depending on the sound insulation effect of headphones and external sound)

Create a working atmosphere so that you can keep working longer.

Research shows that an appropriate amount of background noise can improve creativity.

On a rainy day, in a cafe

Now, I'd like to recommend a background noise I like-"Rain Day Cafe" (Rainy Cafe).

It is just a simple web page, completely free, no installation, no need to log in, take it to use, and leave after use.

As its name suggests, "Rain Day Cafe" has only the sound of rain and coffee shop, and can be used as a coffee shop, a rainy day or a rainy day cafe.

We can put on our headphones and imagine our new work scene: on a rainy day, you are sitting alone on a sofa by the window of a cafe, the smell of coffee in the air, the sound of rain-beating glass and a seemingly nondescript conversation not far away, take a sip of coffee on the table, and get on with what you're doing.

It feels like the whole job is getting more comfortable.

Want a change of mood? Why not make a cup of coffee now and try working in the Rain Cafe?

Web link: