Coffee review

What kind of coffee do foreigners like to drink except Starbucks?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The exchange of professional baristas please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee is a very interesting drink, from coffee cultivation to complex processing, such as the unique fermentation of civet coffee, to being ground into beans and made into drinks in different ways. The taste of coffee, because of different processing methods, shows different smells and tastes. Full

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee is a very attractive drink, from coffee cultivation to complex processing, such as the unique fermentation of cat coffee, to being ground into beans and made into drinks in different ways. The taste of coffee, because of different processing methods, shows different smells and tastes.

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

A cup of coffee, a hundred turns and a thousand times.

Walking through the streets of Europe, you will come across all kinds of cafes. Work, gossip, daze, meditation. There are all kinds of people in the cafe.

For travelers, there is no doubt that the cafe is a magnificent island to experience foreign culture. In addition, after walking tired, you can go to the cafe to have a cup of coffee and take a nap. Caffeine can give you new energy and instantly bring you back to life. Or go to the cafe to chat with new and old friends, accompanied by the smell of coffee, so that the details of the journey will last forever.

As we all know, drinking coffee has different flavors and habits in different countries. Here is a summary of the coffee drinking methods of nine European countries. If you go to these countries, you might as well try it.

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

Kaffeost, Finland


This traditional way of drinking comes from the Kainuu region of Finland: hot coffee is poured directly on juustoleip ä (a cheese block), then cover the cheese with a spoon and sip the coffee. Although it sounds mundane, the Finns love this special mash-up flavor. Refer to "Nordic Coffee Heaven"

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

Turkey, T ü rk Kahvesi


Roasted coffee beans are often packed in a special brass or red copper teapot (cezve) and cooked in a gentle fire. It is not filtered, which is the unique feature of Turkish coffee. So the bottom of the cup will deposit a layer of coffee grounds, drinking is this rugged bitterness. It is said that in Turkey there is a habit of fortune-telling with coffee grounds at the bottom of the cup.

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

Greece, Frappe


This method of drinking was born in 1957 and was invented by a Nestl é cafe. Instant iced coffee with milk foam, this is Frapp é, one of the popular drinks in Greece in summer.

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

Italy, Espresso Romano


Authentic Italian coffee is often served with a slice of lemon, which is said to bring out a little sweetness of Java coffee beans. Really? My friends say they haven't seen it before! Usually when you order Espresso Romano in Italy, you will be served with a small glass of water to give you a chance to ponder and appreciate the refined taste of espresso.

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

Cafe Bombon, Spain


Bourbon, a cafe in Spain, must be a good destination for those who are looking for coffee. The flavor is strong, with sugar and condensed milk mixed into the black coffee.

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

Irish Coffee, Irish Coffee


Long Island iced tea is not tea, and Irish coffee is not coffee. Yes, it's a cocktail with coffee. How to modulate it? Hot coffee with Irish Whiskey, sugar, and finally a layer of thick cream. It is said that this kind of coffee was born in the 1940s, when a group of Americans who had just arrived at Limerick were looking for a hot drink to ward off the cold.

Austria, Wiener M é lange


Like Cappuccino, this drink is based on espresso, topped with milk and foam, often with cream and cocoa powder.

Cafe au lait, France


The French like to drink hot milk and coffee in the morning. With pompous bread, um, a vibrant French breakfast ~

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

Germany, Pharis ä er


Germans like to add rum and cream to their coffee. They call it Pharis ä er. Be careful, this kind of coffee is very addictive and it is really delicious.

Starbucks is drunk all over the world, but these European coffee drinks are probably beyond the American existence of Starbucks in the minds of the local people.

You who travel all over Europe

Do you know any other ways to drink coffee?