Coffee review

The North City Health Bureau checked the coffee gift certificate and there are many deficiencies in European coffee.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, For the exchange of professional baristas, please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). This year, the Taipei Municipal Health Bureau locked in well-known chain coffee companies to check food and beverage gift vouchers, checking a total of 14 companies and a total of 18 gift certificates for the catering industry. after checking, it was found that a total of 10 gift vouchers were not in conformity with the regulations for 3 chain coffee chains: European Coffee, 85C degree Coffee and Havana Coffee.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

This year, the Taipei Municipal Health Bureau locked in well-known coffee chains to check catering gift certificates, checking a total of 14 companies and a total of 18 gift certificates for the catering industry. after checking, it was found that a total of 10 gift certificates from three chain coffee chains, European coffee, 85C and Havana coffee, did not comply with the regulations, and the reasons for the violation included no record of the issuer, performance guarantee, replacement instructions, refund procedures, etc., and the violators must correct within a time limit. Those who fail to make corrections will be fined 30 to 300000 yuan in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.

Wang Mingli, head of the Food and Drug Administration Section of the Taipei Municipal Health Bureau, said that the check of the gift certificate was in accordance with the marking regulations of "items that should be recorded and must not be recorded in the typed contract of gift certificate for the catering industry and other goods (services)". Among them, the European coffee gift certificate does not record the issuer, the face value of the gift certificate, the performance guarantee, the replacement instructions, the refund procedure, etc.; the 85C gift card does not record the replacement instructions, gift certificate number, refund procedure, etc. Havana coffee gift certificate also does not record the issuer, performance bond, replacement instructions, refund procedures and so on.

Wang Mingli said that the inspection of 14 companies a total of 18 gift certificates, the main lack of the top three are: the gift certificate does not contain replacement instructions, refund procedures and issuer information. The three coffee chains are under the jurisdiction of the Taichung City and Taoyuan City Health Bureau. the health units have now asked the operators to make corrections within 30 to 45 days, and those who fail to make corrections will be fined 30 to 300000 yuan in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law. (Shen Nengyuan / reporting from Taipei)

The 85C gift card does not record the replacement instructions, gift certificate number, refund procedure, etc., and the health unit has asked the operator to correct it within a time limit.

The Havana coffee gift certificate does not record the issuer, performance bond, replacement instructions, refund procedures, etc., and the health unit has asked the operator to make corrections within a time limit.