Coffee review

The first "laundry cafe" in Asia was born in Taipei to convey meticulous thoughts.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It only takes a cup of coffee to wash and bake 10 liters of dirty clothes and fold them back into the hands of the guests. Photo: Dongsen News Yun Laundry Cafe travels 9,000 kilometers to you. Photo: Tang Yueju, owner of Dongsen News Cloud. Photo: Dongsen News Cloud, Aug. 27 / PRNewswire-Asianet /-- according to Taiwan's Dongsen News Cloud, it is the first in Asia in the alley near Taipei's Songshan Airport.


It only takes a cup of coffee to wash and bake 10 liters of dirty clothes and fold them back into the hands of the guests. Photo: "East News Cloud"

The Laundry Cafe "travels 9,000 kilometers to you". Photo: "East News Cloud"

Tang Yuecheng, the shopkeeper. Photo: "East News Cloud", Aug. 27-according to a report by Taiwan's Dongsen News Cloud, in the alley near Taipei's Songshan Airport, the first "laundry cafe" in Asia was born. It only takes a cup of coffee to wash and bake 10 liters of dirty clothes and fold them back into the hands of guests. In the cafe, there is also a moving and meticulous thought of the shopkeeper.

The world's first "laundry cafe" was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark. A cafe that looks like another place, but provides complete laundry service inside, the idea of "washing clothes and having a cup of coffee" breaks the original imagination of boring waiting for laundry.

Because I used to work alone in Taipei, I found it particularly troublesome to wash clothes in winter, and the idea of opening a laundry cafe was born. Tang Yuecheng, owner of the laundry cafe, "I'll give it to you through 9,000 kilometers," says that in addition to providing delicious coffee and laundry service, every dessert in the store comes from France, Italy, and other places, and it was only after many attempts by Tang Yuecheng.

"these European countries are nearly 9,000 kilometers away from Taiwan, and we convey delicious food from distant countries, which is the reason for the name of the store."

Unlike other laundromats, the laundry service of "crossing 9,000 kilometers to you" is not used by the guests themselves, but handed over to the staff to be sent for cleaning. "We hope that there can be more interaction between people and people. Through laundry conversation, it is also a kind of dialogue." Tang Yuecheng said that this service, which insists that the staff send it into the washing machine by hand, is also designed to distinguish it from the self-service laundry in the community.

"for the sake of hygiene, our machines only wash people's clothes, pet products and carpets." All lotions are natural lotions with low foam and no fragrance, which is also the insistence of Tang Yuecheng.

"my mother used to be a vegetable, so I know what they lack." Tang Yuecheng says that because he understands the hard work and desire of people with disabilities, starting from the width of the alley in choosing a store, he has considered whether it is enough for Rehabus to pass, park, and provide services before and after entering the store. "people with disabilities are no different from us. I hope they can enjoy this space, too."

A simple idea is the simplicity and emotion that Tang Yuecheng conveys to people, real but clear, and it is also the nutrient that Taiwan has always needed.