Coffee review

Want to drink coffee to lose weight? Drinking coffee at the right time is effective.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee, in addition to refreshing, diuretic, antioxidant capacity and cancer prevention, research has also found that it can promote metabolism and accelerate fat decomposition; on the other hand, drinking coffee also temporarily suppresses appetite. But don't drink too much to avoid addiction, palpitations and insomnia.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In addition to refreshing, diuretic, antioxidant and cancer prevention, studies have also found that coffee can promote metabolism and accelerate fat decomposition; on the other hand, drinking coffee can also temporarily suppress appetite. But do not drink too much, lest addiction, palpitations, insomnia and other negative effects all come, waste the benefits of coffee.

After breakfast

Caffeine can increase the rate of calorie consumption and help control weight. Maybe you intuitively think, "if you drink coffee first, you don't want to eat breakfast. The less you eat, it will certainly help you lose weight." "it would be wrong to think so! "skip breakfast" is the blind spot for weight loss.

The study found that even though they ate fewer calories throughout the day, people who skipped breakfast tended to have higher BMI, which was bad for weight loss. Therefore, it is better to drink coffee after breakfast.

In addition, many people are used to drinking coffee with breakfast, which is not the best time. Because I still have a lot of energy when I get up, the refreshing effect of coffee is relatively not obvious.

If you are worried about the influence of coffee on sleep and are used to drinking coffee in the morning, 09:30 to 11:30 is a better time, because it is the low point of cortisone and has a good refreshing effect.

Before exercise

Drinking coffee an hour before exercise and consuming about 200 mg of caffeine can increase the excitement of the nervous system, promote the body's energy consumption, accelerate fat burning, and be more focused during exercise, which is helpful to enhance muscle strength and muscle endurance, and can also reduce muscle soreness.

However, because coffee is diuretic and accelerates body dehydration, doctors warn that water must be replenished at any time during exercise; for patients with high blood pressure, it is also necessary to avoid caffeine that may cause a temporary rise in blood pressure. at this time, strenuous exercise is easy to cause emergencies such as myocardial infarction or stroke.

But it should also be noted that if you are used to adding cream and sugar to coffee, you may not lose weight, but eat more calories. If you want to lose weight and eliminate edema, black coffee is more suitable.
