Coffee review

Pay tribute to Yunnan Coffee grower Starbucks China's first coffee origin store settled in Pu'er

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Starbucks China's first coffee origin store opened in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province on the 21st. Through this platform, the company hopes to continue to tell the story of Starbucks working with Chinese farmers to pursue coffee quality and grow together with China's coffee industry. Pu'er is a global Allah.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Starbucks China's first coffee origin store opened in Pu'er, Yunnan Province on the 21st. Through this platform, the company hopes to continue to tell the story of Starbucks working with Chinese farmers to pursue coffee quality and grow together with China's coffee industry.

Pu'er is the golden growth belt of Arabica coffee in the world and is known as the "coffee capital of China". At present, the local coffee planting area has reached 78. With an annual coffee trading volume of more than 100000 tons, accounting for more than 80 percent of China's total coffee production.

Create the origin coffee experience of "one raw bean to one cup of coffee" for the first time.

Deep ploughing Yunnan for six years and another sincere work, pay tribute to Yunnan coffee growers.

(Pu'er, June 21) Starbucks' first coffee origin store in China opened today in Pu'er, Yunnan Province. This marks the first time that Starbucks has realized the blending and inheritance of "the first ten feet" and "the last ten feet" in the coffee origin of China, and it is also another milestone after Starbucks Yunnan Coffee growers support Center took root in Pu'er six years ago. On the opening day, nearly 100 guests, including coffee growers and representatives of Starbucks Coffee grower support Center, attended the scene to witness this historic moment.

Guests poured coffee grounds into the coffee tree and announced the official opening of Starbucks' first coffee origin store in China.

From left: Tong Aaron, head of Starbucks' Yunnan project, Tan Huanyi, general manager of Starbucks China Central and Western region, Shen can, Starbucks West China Operations Director, and Sun Zhe, Starbucks Pu'er Shangcheng store manager.

"this is a sincere work that we pay tribute to the coffee growers in Yunnan, and it also reflects Starbucks' determination and strength to promote the development of China's coffee industry chain." Wang Jingying, CEO of Starbucks China, said, "Starbucks has been ploughing China for 19 years, always adhering to the mission of 'inspire and nurture humanistic spirit-per person, every cup, every community', and strictly control the quality of coffee from the source. Starbucks' unremitting pursuit of high-quality coffee and industry leadership in the 47 years since its establishment have been integrated into every aspect of 'one raw bean to one cup of coffee'. "

The first blend with the last ten feet, coffee leadership throughout

It is a long journey from a coffee seed to a cup of coffee.

Starbucks' persistent pursuit of coffee quality is not only reflected in the enthusiasm of the professional coffee quality management team, shuttling through coffee planting belts around the world, and constantly exploring and pursuing high-quality Arabica coffee beans. what's more, professional coffee growers support the center team to accurately control and effectively improve coffee quality from the source of origin farming, picking, drying and evaluation. Coffee beans grow from the "first ten feet" to the "last ten feet" to become a cup of mellow coffee in the hands of customers, taking care of an average of 34 hands before completing the coffee journey at Starbucks.

In order to pay tribute to the coffee growers in Yunnan, Yunnan Pu'er Chuangji Shangcheng Store specially integrates Yunnan's regional culture into the store design: the smooth arc design of the facade symbolizes the meandering landscape of Yunnan's mountains and terraces. it contrasts with the colorful colors of ethnic minorities in the store. The unique view of coffee trees outside the main entrance, the pottery pots that can be seen everywhere and the display arrangements with regional folk customs reflect the characteristics of coffee origin everywhere and complement each other with the smell of coffee all the time.

The characteristics of the origin of coffee are reflected everywhere in the store.

Stepping into the store, the most eye-catching are two huge watercolor works of art, depicting the inextricable bond and fruitful achievements formed between Starbucks and Yunnan over the years, and each frame is a precious memory that belongs to Starbucks Yunnan. It is worth mentioning that the painting paper of these two works is made of 5600 pieces of coffee filter paper by hand and created with the expression of plane color in the Yunnan School of painting-the story of "the first ten feet" is carried in the material of "the last ten feet". It skillfully highlights the blending meaning contained in this store. Every customer who enters the store can follow the picture story, taste the journey behind their mellow coffee, and experience Starbucks' determination to promote the sustainable development of Yunnan coffee industry.

Two giant watercolor works of art in the store

The store year-round supplies high-quality Arabica coffee beans from all over the world, including Fengwu Xiangyun Comprehensive Coffee, which contains some coffee beans cultivated by Yunnan farmers and carefully blended by Starbucks roasters. Starbucks ®Yunnan Coffee Bean, the first Starbucks coffee bean from a single producing area in China, which sold out quickly in both markets, will also be specially supplied here. Since then, coffee lovers around the world have been able to taste high-quality coffee from all over the world-including locally grown Yunnan coffee.

The main coffee bar in the core area of the store is equipped with a variety of professional coffee brewing utensils, including Black Hawk semi-automatic espresso machine, classic hand brewing machine, elegant hand brewing machine, siphon pot and so on. Bring customers a unique coffee experience presented by different cooking methods. In addition, in order to pay tribute to the country of origin, the store specially launched an innovative drink based on Fengwu Xiangyun comprehensive coffee-lemon bubble ice Phoenix dance Xiangyun, which is the exclusive flavor of Starbucks Pu'er Chuangji Shangcheng store.

The main bar is equipped with a variety of professional coffee brewing appliances.

Take root in Yunnan for six years, pay tribute to coffee growers

Pu'er, located on the southwest border of China, is a famous coffee producing area in Yunnan and the largest coffee producing area in China.

The distribution map of nine Starbucks coffee grower support centers around the world hanging on the wall of Pu'er Chuangji Shangcheng store clearly records Starbucks' insistence on supporting coffee cultivation. As one of them, Starbucks Yunnan grower support Center has been committed to growing together with Yunnan coffee industry since its establishment in 2012 to help high-quality Yunnan coffee reach the Chinese and global markets. Over the past six years, there have been 1678 coffee farms certified by C.A.F.E. Practices in Yunnan, with a coffee planting area of more than 16000 hectares and a total training of nearly 17000 farmers. Starbucks has also reached a sincere cooperation with the Pu'er municipal government to build Pu'er into a key city of global origin of high-quality coffee.

The journey of "a raw bean to a cup of coffee" also embodies the painstaking efforts and enthusiasm of countless Starbucks partners. In Starbucks' Yunnan Pu'er Chuangji Shangcheng store, there are several "black apron" coffee masters who have enthusiastically signed up and screened through layers of screening all over the country. Their love of coffee drives them to come to this unprecedented coffee origin store, immerse themselves in the place where the dream journey of coffee begins, and pay tribute to the farmers who work hard to grow high-quality coffee beans.

Among these partners is a special "black apron" partner, Panda. She is a native of Pu'er and the daughter of a coffee grower. She is a "second generation". She affectionately expressed her original intention of applying to come to Pu'er: "it is my dream to be able to give back the coffee enthusiasm and professional skills I developed at Starbucks to coffee lovers in my hometown." In the place where the first ten feet were created, my parents and family could also drink the coffee I made for them, making the last ten feet in my hands full of mission and happiness. "

"I hope this store can also become a platform for coffee growers, partners of the support center and Starbucks coffee masters to exchange and share. I look forward to the birth of more coffee enthusiasm and inspiration here and inject more vitality into Yunnan coffee." Said Tong Yalun, head of Starbucks' Yunnan project.

Starbucks in Yunnan

The Starbucks Yunnan Coffee Project is an important witness that Starbucks has been ploughing the Chinese market for many years, giving back to its communities, and cooperating with and growing together with the Chinese coffee industry. Full of our sincere respect for the Chinese coffee growing industry, it is the result of our continuous efforts to improve Starbucks' value contribution in China, that is, from coffee cultivation to providing customers with a pure Starbucks experience in stores.

In the Starbucks Yunnan Coffee Project, there are two independent and complementary organizations: Starbucks Yunnan grower support Center and Starbucks Love Coffee (Yunnan) Co., Ltd.

In December 2012, Starbucks Yunnan grower support Center, located in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, is Starbucks' first coffee grower support center in Asia. The center provides coffee farmers with free knowledge training and technical support on coffee cultivation and processing, such as frost prevention, extension of coffee tree vitality, prevention and control of rust and insect pests, etc., so as to improve the quality of coffee. At the same time, promote C.A.F.E. Practices training and certification to help coffee farmers improve coffee quality while promoting long-term sustainable coffee cultivation to raise social, economic and environmental protection standards.

Starbucks Love Coffee (Yunnan) Co., Ltd. is a platform for Starbucks to purchase coffee locally and carry out initial processing. Take the lead in promoting and adhering to the principle of "high quality and good price" in coffee procurement, pay a price higher than the average price in the industry market for high-quality coffee, and encourage coffee farmers to grow better coffee under the guidance of C.A.F.E. Practices In the process of coffee initial processing, innovation introduces Kanban management, so that the selected Yunnan coffee beans can be carefully cared for through more standardized, accurate and specialized processing methods, so that the flavor of Yunnan coffee can be easily identified. steadily present in the batch processing of coffee beans, the excellent Yunnan coffee to the Chinese and even the global market.