Coffee review

Signed a contract to grow coffee beans but no one bought them (group of pictures)

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The old man Ren Mutong recorded the detailed information of each client. Qiao Wenhui's warehouse stacked more than 300 mu of herbal coffee beans that had been purchased by hundreds of villagers, most of which were still stored in growers' homes. The company said that not all the purchases were due to the broken capital chain, promising to buy coffee beans within two months, reporter Zhang Jiewen, reporter Luxia photography and reading.


Ren Mutong recorded the details of each client.


The warehouse of Qiao Wen Club is stocked with purchased herbal coffee beans.


Herbaceous coffee beans

Most of the more than 300 mu of herbal coffee beans planted by hundreds of villagers are still stored in the growers' homes. The company said that not all of them were acquired because the capital chain was broken and promised to buy the coffee beans within two months.

Reporter Zhang Jiewen, trainee reporter Lu Xia photography

It is suggested that growing herbal coffee can earn more than 1000 yuan per mu more than ordinary crops. Hundreds of villagers in Yichuan County, Yiyang County and Song County signed a contract with Henan Liyi Agricultural Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Li Yi Company) to buy herbal coffee seeds for planting, and agreed with Li Yi Company in the contract that the coffee beans would be acquired by Li Yi Company after the coffee beans were harvested. Now nine months later, the company's promise to buy coffee beans and coffee flowers has not been fulfilled, the money has not been received, the promisor can not be found, the villagers think that they have been fooled, and the recycling of more than 300 mu of herbal coffee has also become a worry for the villagers. On September 1, the reporter visited this matter.

The villagers confided in


Earn more than 1000 yuan per mu, everyone competes to grow herbal coffee beans.

On August 31, Ren Mutong, a villager living in Caochang Village, Gaoshan Town, Yichuan County, went to several old buddies to discuss the purchase of herbal coffee beans that had been stored in their hands for nine months as usual. It all started at the end of 2012.

At that time, Ren Mutong was introduced by the villagers of Tongcun and met Qiao Wenhui, chairman of Li Yi Company. He learned that the local area was more suitable for growing herbaceous coffee beans, and he earned more than 1000 yuan per mu economically than ordinary crops. According to the standard of 100 yuan per mu, farmers can enjoy the seeds, cultivation techniques and fertilizers needed for planting by Li Yi Company, and the herbal coffee beans and coffee flowers planted in the future. Li Yi Company will also purchase coffee beans at a rate of 8 yuan per kilogram of coffee beans and 200 yuan per kilogram of dried flowers, and at least 400 kilograms of coffee beans can be produced per mu according to publicity. According to this calculation, apart from the cost, there can be a profit of nearly 3000 yuan per mu of land, which attracts villagers in Yiyang, Yichuan, Songxian and other places to plant herbal coffee one after another. As more farmers were required to plant at that time, taking the region as the boundary, Ru Zhixun of Fancun Town, Yiyang County was mainly responsible for the registration of several other villages.

In Ren Mutong's contract for the purchase of herbaceous coffee beans, the reporter noticed that the last item read: if the company does not receive the purchase in the same year, the compensation will be 1500 yuan per mu. The contract was signed on April 7, 2013. In other words, according to the contract, Li Yi was supposed to make an acquisition at the end of last year.


The time has come to promise to buy, but the acquirer is gone.

"at the end of last year, Qiao Wen would say that he couldn't withdraw money from the bank and couldn't buy it for the time being. let's wait." According to Ren Mutong, this kind of herbal coffee beans are harvested twice a year, once for coffee beans and once for coffee flowers. At the end of last year, farmers collected coffee beans and dried flowers, ready to sell money for a good New year, but they were disappointed. Qiao Wen did not come to buy coffee beans and dried flowers, nor did he pay compensation as agreed.

At this time, there were rumors in the village that "there was something wrong with Qiao Wen's capital chain, and the acquisition and compensation promised were probably wasted." Many villagers talked about this one after another, and asked the responsible Ru Zhixun to confirm it, but in the end they did not get a satisfactory answer. As the contract stipulates that coffee beans must be sold to Li Yi Company, if the breach of contract will be compensated, the villagers cannot sell them to others, so they have to urge Ru Zhixun again and again, hoping to take away their own coffee beans and coffee flowers as soon as possible.

"at first Qiao Wen would say that he couldn't get the money, and then he said he was having trouble with the loan. Later, he simply refused to answer my phone calls, and my family also planted 3 mu of herbal coffee beans. " When Ru Zhixun talked about this, he was also full of anger.


According to the propaganda calculation, the income should be millions of yuan, but now it is difficult to realize.

In order to ask for an explanation, so that everyone can have a result of a year of hard work, Ru Zhixun and Ren Mutong embarked on the road of safeguarding their rights and asked the relevant departments for help. Slowly other growers joined in. As a result, Ren Mutong registered the information of the growers in detail. "Sun Zhongliang, Nihe Village, Fanpo Township, Songxian County, 1.5 mu; Yang Tianzhang, Jinhutuo Village, Gaoshan Town, Yichuan County, 2 mu; and Hou Xifeng, Caochang Village, Gaoshan Town, Yichuan County, 1.5 mu."

"at present, the collection is still incomplete, including those in this village are not yet complete, everyone took the initiative to come to me, hoping to solve the acquisition problem as soon as possible." Ren Mutong said.

In Ren Mutong's record book, the reporter saw the detailed records and the handprints pressed by the villagers, as well as a power of attorney. Records show that Yiyang County has more growers, mostly concentrated in Fancun Town and Baiyang Town, with a total of 65 households, totaling 143mu; Yichuan County is concentrated in Gaoshan Town and Minggao Town, with a total of 57 households with 126.5 mu, and Song County with 43 mu. That is to say, at present, a total of 312.5 mu of coffee beans in Ren Mutong have not been acquired. According to the original propaganda income of at least 3000 yuan per mu of land, they should now have an income of 1 million yuan.

"if Li Yi Company did not buy coffee beans in accordance with the contract, why has it not paid compensation up to now?" 'they haven't got a penny so far, 'Mr. Ren said. He said that the matter had also been reflected to the agricultural bureaus of Luoyang and Yiyang and Yichuan counties, and although Qiao Wen would reply that "the acquisition will be carried out by May 1, 2014," there was no news in the end.

The company responded

The incomplete recovery is due to the purchase of these coffee beans within two months due to the broken capital chain.

The day before yesterday, the reporter met Qiao Wenhui at Li Yi Company in Yiyang County. He told reporters: "some coffee beans have been acquired, and the place that Ru Zhixun is in charge of has not been acquired yet." But it's not that I don't want to buy, it's just that my capital chain has been broken from a higher level. " To prove it, Qiao Wen will take the reporter to a warehouse of more than 100 square meters, which is filled with purchased herbal coffee beans.

Qiao Wen will frankly say that his company is a private enterprise and does not have enough anti-risk ability. After making an oral contract with Li Zhanyi, who developed herbal coffee in Beijing in 2012, he carried out extensive development and utilization of herbal coffee in Luoyang. According to the agreement at that time, Li Zhanyi provided seeds and technology, while Qiao Wen would return the cultivated seeds to Li Zhanyi. In 2012, after he successfully planted on a small scale in Yiyang County, he carried out promotion and publicity in the surrounding counties.

"later, there was a problem with the negotiations with Beijing." Qiao Wen will say that Beijing insists on paying after seeing the seeds, while Qiao Wen will insist on payment for delivery, even if it is part of the payment. Qiao Wen will say that he is worried, "pull 100 tons of seeds over, what if you don't give me the money?" As a result, the two sides reached a stalemate on this issue.

According to Qiao Wen Hui, at present, his company has developed products such as herbal coffee moon cakes, herbal coffee cakes and herbal coffee and tea, but production has been temporarily suspended due to financial problems. On the other hand, he is also actively exploring new directions. "We are exploring herbal coffee and beer. Once put into production, these broken capital chains can be made up quickly." Qiao Wen will say that he is currently in the process of raising money. He also said, "No accident, must be in 2 months to buy these herbal coffee beans."

The lawyer said

Protect one's own rights and interests with legal weapons

Du Peng, director of Henan Luotai Law firm, believes that the acquisition of seeds should be made clear as to whether it is a fraud or an economic dispute, and whether Li Yi is fabricating demand information and buying at a high price. "in such a situation, it is a good way to use legal means to solve the problem, but there is also an unavoidable embarrassment-if the case is won, the other party is empty, and the farmer is still the injured party." Du Peng suggested that when faced with such problems, farmers should first understand and verify each other's qualifications, and secondly, safeguard their rights and interests through legal channels.

Also holding the same view is Liu Lihua, chief lawyer of Henan Junyou Law firm. "after encountering such a problem, it must be necessary to use legal weapons to protect their own rights and interests, but the other side always refuses to meet the farmers." this has also caused a lot of problems. " In her view, in addition to checking the qualifications of the other party, we should also ask a third party to investigate the seed sales company before buying the seed, and it is best to notarize it when signing the relevant documents.

"since it is written in the contract that there will be corresponding compensation for non-acquisition, farmers can completely demand that their rights and interests be safeguarded in accordance with the requirements of the contract." Li Lianwei, director of Henan Senhe Law firm, said.

About herbal coffee

Coffee is the first of the three major beverages in the world, is one of the most important international trade commodities, and is also an important raw material for medicine, food and light chemical industry. since history, there has been only woody coffee in the world. and mainly produced in Colombia, Brazil, Indonesia and other countries near the equator, only Hainan, Yunnan and other subtropical areas have a small amount of woody coffee, most countries do not produce coffee, raw materials are scarce The price is high.

Herbal coffee is a wild plant of the subfamily Rutaceae, which has been growing under woody coffee trees in Brazil for many years. In China, as early as 1400 years ago, Zen Master Sui Chao thick used its fruit to make "strengthening tea" and presented it to the Sui emperor as a palace tribute, which became a secret recipe of the court and then was lost.

Herbal coffee can be completely comparable with woody coffee, and has obvious advantages. Strictly tested and tested by more than a dozen authoritative departments, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the former Ministry of Light Industry, the Ministry of Health, the State Ministry of Trade, the National Food quality Supervision and testing Center, and so on, it is proved that herbal coffee has the composition, color, aroma and taste of woody coffee, and the content of fat and starch is similar to that of woody coffee.

It is understood that compared with perennial woody coffee beans with extremely low yield, Chinese herbal coffee has the unique advantage of blooming and bearing fruit three months after sowing in the same year, with a yield of 4500 kg / ha, and its color, aroma and taste are comparable to those of woody coffee. It is rich in protein, nutrition and a variety of trace elements, but the price is only 1 hand 3 of woody coffee beans.