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Starbucks logo is worth tens of millions, so far the "TM" logo is still there, is the trademark not registered yet

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) According to the evaluation, Starbucks logo is worth tens of millions of dollars. I believe everyone is familiar with the logo in the picture. Starbucks logo is not the pattern we see today from the beginning. The initial sketch of Starbucks logo is the entry of Starbucks logo after decades.

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Starbucks' logo is estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars

I believe everyone is no stranger to the logo in the picture.

Starbucks' logo is not the pattern we see today from the very beginning.

The original sketch of Starbucks logo

Starbucks logo has a history of evolution for decades.

↓ Starbucks logo Evolutionary History ↓

The original logo is based on the double-tailed Seren engraving in the following picture.

The double-tailed siren is Siren.

The double-tailed mermaid is the predecessor of the single-tailed mermaid, as is the case with the siren in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, holding two caudal fins.

Starbucks' choice of this icon probably has something to do with its birthplace, Seattle. At that time, Seattle was a famous maritime port city, so the icon was also related to the nautical theme.

The siren is fatally seductive to the crew, and the Starbucks icon uses this meaning: beautiful, mysterious, seductive and inextricable.

Pay close attention to it

Starbucks' mermaid logo still has a small capital letter "TM" logo under it.

Registered trademarks are generally marked with the word "registered trademark" on the goods, or registered mark notes or ®. "TM" marks generally refer to the trademarks that have been submitted for trademark application but are in the trademark review stage.

"what? Has the trademark not been registered since Starbucks changed its current logo,7 in 2011? "

No, the "TM" logo under the Starbucks mermaid logo is actually an acronym for Trade Mark.

It includes not only the registered trademark ®, but also the direct use of unregistered trademarks that have not been approved by the Trademark Office. Yes, that is to say, "TM" and "®" are included and included, and the two are not either or.

In fact, Starbucks's mermaid LOGO has already been successfully registered, and it is basically the kind of full-category registration, please see the following picture:

Although the Starbucks mermaid LOGO was registered, Starbucks ended in defeat in the dispute over the ownership of the registered trademark of Starbucks Frappuccino which lasted for seven years.

Large companies like Starbucks, in order not to delay the time it takes to put it on the market, usually add the word "TM" to the edge of the trademark as a "sovereignty" oath when using it before obtaining a registered trademark.

So, here comes the problem again. Why does Starbucks still label "TM" not changed to note or ®? Well, it could be a habit. Many registered trademarks of large companies also like to use TM as marks.

With regard to the emergence of various versions of Starbucks Logo, it seems that Starbucks mermaids have a big cosplay.

Cartographer James Lee transformed the original Starbucks signature mermaid Logo into a variety of unexpected characters!

Reference: medium and soft intellectual property rights