Coffee review

McDonald's has 516 McCoffee stores nationwide and will exceed 750 by the end of the year.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Yesterday, McCoffee announced that the number of coffee shops in the Guangfo market had exceeded 100, with the goal of increasing to 130 by the end of this year. In addition, as of last year, there were 516 McCoffee stores nationwide, and the number is expected to exceed 750 by the end of this year, an increase of 45%. In recent years, the scale of domestic chain coffee shops has been expanding, and the competition has gradually intensified. At present, coffee giant Starbucks has 700

Yesterday, McCoffee announced that the number of coffee shops in Guangfo market has exceeded 100, and the target for the end of this year is to increase to 130. In addition, as of last year, McCoffee had 516 stores nationwide and is expected to exceed 750 by the end of this year, an increase of 45%.

In recent years, the scale of domestic chain coffee shops has been expanding, and competition has gradually intensified. Starbucks now has 700 stores, while Pacific Coffee will have 250 by the end of this year.

The total number of stores is expected to exceed 750 by the end of this year

It is reported that this year marks the 20th anniversary of McDonald's entry into Guangfo market."In Guangfo market,50% of McDonald's have 'McCoffee'." Zhong Jun, general manager of Guangfo Market of Guangdong Sanyuan McDonald's Food Co., Ltd., said that the number of "Mai Coffee" stores in Guangfo area exceeded 100, which is also the market with the largest number of stores in mainland China, more than Shanghai and Beijing. By the end of this year, the number of McCafes will increase to 130.

Since 2012, McCoffee has entered the Chinese market, with 516 stores in 24 cities across the country. It is expected that by the end of 2013, McCoffee will have more than 750 stores, an increase of 45%.


Zhong Jun, General Manager of Guangfo Market, Guangdong Sanyuan McDonald's Food Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhong Jun and the winner of the McCafe game

Zhong Jun said that most of the "McCoffee" is still open simultaneously with McDonald's restaurants. Data show that McDonald's has more than 1700 restaurants in China and is expected to increase to 2000 this year.

McCafe is considered McDonald's killer in China.

McDonald's rivals KFC and Pizza Hut are expanding rapidly in China, where Yum has more than 5400 KFC, Pizza Hut and other branded restaurants. KFC alone has more than 4000 stores, more than twice as many as McDonald's.

In the face of KFC's rapid expansion, McDonald's not only accelerated the speed of stores, but also introduced the "McCoffee" brand, which is like a fish in other markets, into China, and opened much faster than expected.

Chen Ruo, a senior researcher at Ruilin Consulting, believes that McDonald's development of wheat coffee business can also broaden the variety of products and increase the competitive chips with KFC. At the same time, McDonald's has a large number of young consumers, such consumers have a high demand for coffee, so the launch of McCoffee business will not only better retain old customers, but also bring more new customers.

Expansion through McDonald's channels

In the domestic coffee market, Starbucks undoubtedly took the lead. Since entering the Chinese market in 1999, Starbucks has exceeded 700 stores in just 14 years. Starbucks plans to open 300 new stores in fiscal 2013 and expand to 1500 by 2015.

McDonald's is looking at McDonald's coffee market. Although the entry time is much later than Starbucks, McCoffee is also racing on the opening speed. According to the plan, the number of McCoffee stores will increase to 750 by the end of the year.

It is noteworthy that the number of McCoffee in Guangfo market has overtaken Starbucks and become the coffee shop with the largest number of shops in Guangfo.

Another coffee brand, Pacific Coffee, entered the mainland in 2011, later than McCoffee, but the number of stores has also grown rapidly. In September last year, Pacific Coffee exceeded 100 stores in the mainland. At present, it has 160 stores. It plans to reach 250 stores this year, equivalent to 90 stores a year.

Pacific Coffee has developed so fast in the Mainland, which is also due to the strong channel advantages of China Resources Group. Pacific Coffee CEO Tang Guojiang also admitted that CR Enterprise is a strong backing for Pacific Coffee, and its accumulated knowledge of retail over the years is very helpful for Pacific Coffee to understand the domestic retail environment.

Like Pacific Coffee, McCoffee is also expanding with the help of McDonald's channel advantages. Most of the "McCoffee" restaurants are opened simultaneously with McDonald's restaurants. Taking advantage of McDonald's rapid expansion is undoubtedly the advantage of McCoffee.

(Editor: Leo)