Coffee review

On the correct way to open the lid of a coffee cup with takeout! Up and down? They're all demons!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) nowadays more and more people like to drink coffee, often go to coffee early in the morning or convenience store to bring a cup of coffee, can feel at ease to start a new day. But have you ever thought about it? Should the lid of the hot drink take-out cup be lifted up or pressed down? Have netizens

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Now more and more people like to drink coffee, often have early morning coffee or convenience store with a cup of coffee, in order to start a new day of life with peace of mind. But have you ever thought about it? Should the lid of a hot drink to-go cup be pushed up or down? Some netizens suspected that because they pressed down the opening of the cup lid while drinking coffee, they were asked by their wife,"Normal people lift up", heartbroken online, and the result unexpectedly triggered a debate_

It is this liftable cup lid that attracts the attention of netizens.

Of course it goes up--what else is that notch in the lid design for?

"I only know how to lift up, but I don't know how to push down."

"Pull it up, or is that fixing hole decorative?"

"Both up and down are fine, but the design is for you to go up. Otherwise, if you press it down, there will be a bit of a jam when you drink it, right?"

"It's hygienic to go up, and the design is to use grooves to jam up."

"Up, down, how much plastic comes into contact with hot coffee?"

"Only when you open it will you enjoy the fragrance."

Some people say that I only know how to lift up, but I don't know how to press down. Obviously, there are holes that can be stuck. Is the fixed hole decorative? He also said that it was only hygienic to lift it up so that his mouth wouldn't touch the coffee.

Likes to press down-convenient without spilling or burning mouth

"Press down less likely to spill."

"So it's up. I always thought it was down. It's not that hot."

"Press down, the flow is small, and it won't burn."

"It's easier to go down."

"I'm used to pressing down. It doesn't feel hot on my tongue. When driving, press down to prevent splashing."

"Press it down so it doesn't get cold too fast."

"The normal design is upward, but I also press downward, so that no foreign matter will fly into the hole during work."

Obviously, the groove on the lid of this cup was very convenient. However, netizens who support the cup mouth pressing down think that pressing down the cup lid can protect the tongue and avoid hot coffee burning to the lips. Others say that it is convenient to press down, not easy to splash out, but also has the effect of heat preservation, so as not to be too cold, and can prevent foreign objects from flying into the hole.

It seems that there are advocates for lifting up and pressing down_lifting up is the original intention of the lid designer, opening large flow enough, but also enjoy coffee fragrance. Pressing down is a mistake for consumers to find out, can sip hot drinks without burning their tongues, and drive without fear of spilling them. However, there are a small number of people who think that lifting up and down is evil-

Coffee must be opened! Can't waste the foam.

"If you open the lid, you can drink milk foam…What if there are beautiful flowers?"

"I drink coffee directly with the lid removed…I feel that drinking it with the rim of the cup has a better taste…I don't know if it's a psychological effect."

"It's so hot that it leaks. Why don't you just take off the lid and cool it down before drinking it directly?"

"Open the lid and drink directly, because the plastic lid"

"Actually, that one needs to be lifted up completely and used as a small cup (prices have been rising all the time, so you can't drink too much at once)"

It makes sense to say so. Drinking coffee is like that thick layer of milk foam, don't you think? Each faction has its own reasons for insisting, so the question comes_lift up, press down, open the lid, which faction do you coffee lovers stand on? Let's take a vote!

Since we talk about coffee cup lids, let's share more interesting facts about coffee cup lids here!

Starbucks cup lids have a wonderful effect you didn't know about!

Anyone who has been to Starbucks to buy cold drinks knows that, except for Frappuccino, the lids of other coffee and drinks are transparent and flat, but there is a concave circle in the middle, and I don't know what it is used for.

Actually, the lid of this cold drink cup should be used like this! So drink cold drinks do not have to worry about the desktop wet with it!

Look at it again. There are tenons next to the lid to help hold the cup in place.

Starbucks developed a special hot drink lid for the star to cost ten times more!

In September last year, Starbucks takeout and hungry cooperation launched, according to hungry, Starbucks to make special cup lid, the cost will be ten times higher than ordinary cup lid.

To solve the problem of leakage, Starbucks has designed a new "reflux chamber"

It is reported that this so-called 10 times more expensive cup lid by Starbucks official design and production, can be said to be very intimate! In order to ensure that the liquid is not exposed and maintain the temperature to the greatest extent, this new cup lid has special attention to the design of pores, reflux angles and reflux holes. The lid is well sealed, and even if shaken, the liquid will not spill.

Black coffee cup lids have unexpected benefits!

If you don't say it, you never really care about the color of this coffee cup lid. In recent years, more and more large chain brands have joined the coffee war. Hot freshly ground coffee has become closer to everyone's existence. It is no longer limited to the business hours of coffee shops, but coffee can be drunk at any time as long as a takeaway. But this coffee cup that meets more than once a day, have you ever cared about the color of the cup lid above?

Recently, there was a tweet in Japan saying why girls especially like black cup lids, and unexpectedly found that many men benefit from black cup lids.

"Although it may only be girls who feel this way, black coffee lids are really appreciated (when applying colored lipstick, white lids will immediately print color), especially for the whole family and Lawson cups."

Really! In particular, every morning to wipe lipstick out, the result because of drinking coffee stained cup lid is lipstick color, considering the beauty of each time have to take another tissue to wipe off lipstick, and then repeat this action until the coffee is finished. It was precisely because there were not many girls who cared that everyone was so grateful for the black cup lid.

Tweet Master slightly tidying up coffee cups found in existing chains...

"At present, only the whole family, Lawson, McDonald's, Dean&Deluca, Mister Donut, etc. have black lids. Is black lid more expensive?"

In fact, it seems that it is not that black lids are more expensive, but it is said that "black lids are not as many as white ones." Manufacturers also want to hear women's voices in product development."

In addition to black lids, straws other than white are also popular with girls because of the same problem.

And the color problem of this cup lid did not expect that not only girls who usually rub lipstick care, even boys may encounter the same problem...

"I know guys in their 20s who are like this, and the reason they always buy Lawson coffee is because they won't be caught wearing lip balm."

"If a boy drinks coffee after kissing a girl, the residual lipstick color may be stained on the lid of the cup, and it will become a boy's coffee cup but the mouth is pink."

Really, not only girls 'lipstick, boys will also rub lip balm that can have a good look, but if there is a lip print on the white cup lid, it is indeed more embarrassing. This problem of cup lid color that I didn't care about in the past may also accidentally solve the problem of many people staining the cup lid with lipstick...

Behind the little things, there is ingenuity and wisdom

All things are learned, it seems ah, all things in the world have deep knowledge! Although coffee is the protagonist in a cup of coffee, people may not care much about what is special about the design of the cup lid, and the details of the cup lid are also ignored, but in fact, their style is not single, and each design is also meaningful!

Or do you have any other special uses for coffee cup lids? Welcome to leave a message to share with everyone!