Coffee review

The world's first coffee shop, Flower God Cafe.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in fact, the earliest coffee culture appeared in the Arabian Peninsula, but the earliest large-scale commercial coffee shop appeared in Turkey, but due to incomplete historical materials, there is no way to verify the earliest coffee shop in Turkey. Even so, we can't deny that it is true.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In fact, the earliest coffee culture appeared in the Arabian Peninsula, but the earliest large-scale commercial cafes appeared in Turkey, but due to the lack of historical materials, there is no way to verify the earliest coffee shops in Turkey. Even so, we are undeniably certain that the secular coffee culture originated in Turkey.

Back in ancient Istanbul, Turkey, the streets were littered with cafes of all kinds.

At this time, Turkey was rich and rich in products, and the Venetians were good at doing business, so a large number of Venetians went to Turkey for trade. During this time, they brought back a lot of coffee beans from Turkey, and gradually coffee drinks began to take root in Europe.

Some of them are optimistic about the potential of coffee as a drink and decide to abandon the vulgar line and take the route of combining high-profile with literature and art. On December 29th, 1720, Floriano Francesconi opened a cafe called Caffe alla Venezia trionfante under the arcade of the executive residence in St. Mark's Square. At first, there were only two small halls with simplified decoration, and the business was booming, but the customers did not like the name of the store, which was changed to the name of the boss, namely Caffe Florian, which is known as Huasheng Cafe. Huasen Cafe is one of the longest-running cafes in the world.