Coffee review

Yunnan accounts for 98% of the country's coffee output.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A few days ago, it was learned from the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association that in 2012, the planting area of coffee in the province has reached 1.34 million mu, with an output of 82000 tons, accounting for more than 98% of the country's coffee planting area and output. At present, Yunnan has formed three major coffee producing areas of Pu'er, Baoshan and Dehong, and the coffee planting area of Lincang has also reached 270000 mu. According to the information of the provincial coffee industry association, 2012

A few days ago, it was learned from the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association that in 2012, the planting area of coffee in the province has reached 1.34 million mu, with an output of 82000 tons, accounting for more than 98% of the country's coffee planting area and output.

At present, Yunnan has formed three major coffee producing areas of Pu'er, Baoshan and Dehong, and the coffee planting area of Lincang has also reached 270000 mu. According to the information of the provincial coffee industry association, in 2012, the province's coffee planting area reached 1.34 million mu, with an output of 82000 tons, an increase of 45.6% and 26.1% respectively over the same period last year. In addition, the province's coffee export volume in 2012 was about 1.4 billion yuan, continuing to maintain the status of the country's largest coffee planting production and export base.

(responsible Editor: Leo)