Coffee review

The global coffee output value reaches 3 trillion. The International Coffee sensory Forum takes the stage to seize the international market.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) World boutique Coffee Association (Specialty Coffee Assocation,SCA) and Zhenghan biotechnology cooperation, today held an international coffee sensory forum, a total of 200coffee professionals from Asia participated and discussed by the world's top coffee sensory experts. There is Taiwanese coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The World Fine Coffee Association (Specialty Coffee Assocation,SCA), in cooperation with Zhenghan Biotechnology, held an international coffee sensory forum today, which was attended by 200 coffee professionals from Asia and discussed by the world's top coffee sensory experts. Fang Cheng-lun, who has a reputation as Taiwan's coffee prince, says that the output value of coffee in the world is as high as US $100 billion, and Taiwan has little production capacity, but it hopes to improve its quality and technology, and develop coffee buckets with Taiwanese characteristics, which can be marketed and cultivated in various countries. in order to give Taiwan coffee a place.

The "sensory Forum" is the annual event of the coffee science community, and countries are competing for the right to host. Zhenghan Coffee Research Center COFFEELAND to obtain SCA certification, the highest standard coffee professional research center in Asia, as well as long-term academic accumulation in the coffee field, won the right to host this "sensory Forum", attracting more than 150 coffee professionals from Asian countries to sign up.

Coffee is the most traded agricultural product in the world. according to Business Insider, the global output value of coffee is more than US $100 billion, equivalent to about NT $3 trillion. According to statistics, Taiwan's coffee consumption market is about 70 billion yuan in 2018, and there are more than 2000 coffee shops in Taiwan, with an average consumption of 122cups of coffee per person per year. Taiwan's coffee market, including the employed population, entrepreneurial population and consumer population, continues to grow.

Today's forum is led by Peter Giuliano, chief R & D officer of SCA. SCA is a non-profit organization, from coffee manufacturing, coffee flavor definition to professional barista training, is the most authoritative certification body in the global coffee industry; the publication of relevant academic and professional knowledge also leads the new trend in the global coffee market.

The American Fine Coffee Association and Tedlinger, founder of coffee quality, were also present. Tedlinger's Coffee Cup tester Handbook (The Coffee Cupper's Handbook) and Coffee extraction Manual (The Coffee Brewing Handbook) are essential treasures for coffee professionals and cafes.

Tedlinger said that Taiwan is an island. In terms of climate and environment, the flavor of coffee will be different, but after tasting Taiwanese coffee, he is quite amazing and is obviously different from coffee from other countries, which is very helpful to the development of Taiwanese coffee.

Fang Zhenglun has won many prizes in the international coffee bean competition, and he and Liu Bangyu, champion coffee cup tester at the 2014 World Cup, are also students. Fang Zhenglun said that Taiwan's coffee production capacity is small, but with the improvement of quality and technology, Taiwan-specific coffee has been cultivated and transplanted to other countries in order to gain a place in the world.

Wu Cheng-pang, chairman of Zhenghan Biotechnology, said that according to the study, the global output value of coffee is as high as NT $3 trillion, but the geographical environment and microbial systems of coffee trees around the world are different, and the contents of coffee beans are different, affecting the flavor precursors of raw beans. It also determines the price of coffee. Zhenghan Coffee Research Center provides professional courses and SCA certification, providing professionals with studies, further studies and exams. According to big data, he studies the data of coffee cultivation, post-processing and brewing, hoping to improve the production quality of Taiwan coffee beans and establish Taiwan coffee brands for the international community.