Coffee review

Starbucks will impress Haikou coffee fans with "human feelings"

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Starbucks will impress Haikou coffee fans with the service concept of providing each customer with a unique Starbucks experience. Haikou Starbucks attracted a large number of admiring customers a week after its opening. How can Haikou Starbucks quickly build a communication bridge with its customers? According to reports, Starbucks' success in China and the world is not only because of what it has mentioned.

Starbucks will impress Haikou coffee fans with "human touch"

With the service concept of "providing a unique Starbucks experience for each customer", Haikou Starbucks attracted a large number of customers after opening for one week. How can Haikou Starbucks quickly build a bridge with customers? Starbucks 'success in China and around the world is not just because of the pure coffee drinks it offers, but also because of the unique coffee experience it provides. When it comes to Starbucks experience, it can't be separated from Starbucks partners (employees). Starbucks, which regards customers and partners as its core assets, has always been committed to cultivating the best partners, providing customers with the best coffee and the most humane service, and striving to create the most warm and comfortable "third space" for customers. The same goes for Haikou.

Human touch is Starbucks 'most unique ingredient.

For the question of why Starbucks loves Starbucks, I believe every Starbucks fan will have his own answer. In the eyes of "senior customers" Mr. Zhang, Starbucks attracts people, not only because of her high quality coffee and the life concept she represents, but also because of her strong human touch."If you often go to Starbucks, you will find that the partners here will not only remember your name, but also your personal preferences. Human touch is, so to speak, the most unique ingredient in Starbucks coffee."

At Starbucks, employees are called buddies. According to introduction, for partners, Starbucks will continuously improve their professional level and service ability through different professional knowledge training, train batch after batch of star baristas to meet the personalized taste preferences of different customers, and finally let many customers like Mr. Zhang enjoy high-quality and delicious coffee, but also feel the enthusiasm and professionalism of Starbucks partners.

It is not easy to become a Starbucks "star barista". According to the regulations, you must undergo strict training in the store, including coffee theory, handmade skills, coffee tasting ability, humanistic spirit, communication and service ability to improve customer experience, etc., and pass the certification examination of qualified trainers before you can finally obtain Starbucks "star barista" qualification and begin to formally make drinks for customers and provide pure Starbucks experience.

Partners are the soul and heart of Starbucks.

Starbucks is not only a company that creates new experiences for customers, but also a company that values employee emotions and employee value. Starbucks provides partners with a platform to realize their dreams, and firmly believes that putting partners 'interests first and respecting their contributions will bring first-class customer service, according to Starbucks officials. Under this philosophy, Starbucks spends more on partners each year than they do on marketing.

Partners are friends who share the same dreams and come together. They are trustworthy and the most solid friends who will never abandon us. According to reports, Starbucks not only provides partners with medical care, insurance and other benefits, but also allows partners to own "coffee bean stocks", so that partners have more sense of belonging in Starbucks. Starbucks 'respect and trust for partners lies not only in the shaping of corporate culture, but also in the practice.

"Partners are the soul and core of Starbucks." Starbucks officials said Starbucks is not only a "coffee" company, but also a "people" company. Starbucks partners in China are as warm, sincere, thoughtful, knowledgeable and passionate as their counterparts around the world. They love Starbucks culture and actively participate in training to bring Starbucks 'quality service to China. They are the bridge between Starbucks and customers, and also the carrier and embodiment of Starbucks brand value.

Welcome all customers with humanity

"Starbucks represents not only the quality of coffee and unique coffee culture, but also the intimate working atmosphere and positive working attitude among partners." Candy, manager of Starbucks South China District 2, said that Starbucks 'high quality comes from strict requirements in each link. For example, raw materials only use the world's top 3% of high-quality Arabica coffee beans, and many of the staff who make delicious coffee are Starbucks "coffee masters" who have been strictly certified.

More importantly, every Starbucks partner is committed to bringing his sincerity and enthusiasm for coffee to every coffee lover. "Starbucks has finally arrived in Seattle. As District Manager, I hope to lead all Starbucks partners in Haikou to provide the best service to Haikou customers so that they can enjoy the best Starbucks coffee and unique Starbucks experience."

High-quality coffee beans make Starbucks coffee the best, and the professionalism and enthusiasm of our partners bring the most humane service. Today, Haikou consumers can also experience this unique Starbucks coffee experience on their doorstep.

(Editor: Leo)