Coffee review

The coffee grounds we threw away after we finished our coffee are so useful?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in China, thousands of cups of coffee are made every day, at the same time, it also produces countless coffee grounds. Everyone likes the strong aroma of coffee and enjoys the mellow coffee, but few people pay attention to the pile of coffee grounds that have been squeezed dry. In China, coffee grounds

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In China, thousands of cups of coffee are made every day, and at the same time, countless coffee grounds are produced.

Everyone likes the strong aroma of coffee and enjoys the richness of coffee, but few people pay attention to the pile of coffee grounds that have been squeezed dry.

In China, the situation of coffee grounds is also considerable.

In 2016, the number of cafes across the country exceeded 100000. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 6000 coffee shops in Shanghai alone, producing at least 24-30 tons of coffee grounds every day, not including coffee waste generated by individuals at home or in companies. This trend is also growing at an alarming rate of 15%. How can we promote the resource utilization of coffee grounds, turn waste into treasure, and gain great value in sustainable utilization? There are already various projects to transform coffee grounds around the world.

In the UK, Bio-Bean has been turning thousands of tons of coffee grounds into biofuels since 2014. CEO Arthur Kay, then 25, said they collected the remaining coffee grounds in coffee shops, restaurants, companies, train stations and shopping malls in London every day. The average Londoner drinks 2.3cups of coffee a day, or at least 70 million cups of coffee is consumed. As a result, more than 200000 tons of garbage and 500000 tons of coffee grounds are produced each year. Bio-bean will first send the coffee grounds to the factory for processing, and then the extracted coffee oil will be sent to the biofuel plant, where animal and vegetable fuel oils will be added to make a mixture of 80% conventional diesel and 20% biofuel.

Using this mixed fuel not only eliminates the need to retrofit the engine or other costs, but also reduces the bus's carbon emissions by 10% to 15%. On November 20, 2017, some British street buses officially began to use the fuel made from coffee grounds.

If you are a coffee lover and often make your own coffee, you might as well collect and make good use of your daily coffee grounds, just remember to dry or dry before using it. In case of emergency, it can be dried in a microwave oven or oven, otherwise it is easy to get moldy.

Coffee grounds have many small pores, which can absorb moisture and eliminate odors, so dry coffee grounds can be placed in shoe cabinets, refrigerators or toilets for dehumidification and deodorization. In addition, the sun-dried coffee grounds spread on the ashtray, not only easier to extinguish the cigarette butts, but also reduce the smell of smoke!

Coffee grounds contain about 2% nitride, which can convert organic matter into fertilizer, which is a safe and environmentally friendly fertilizer. However, it should be noted that it is more suitable for plants that need acidic soil, but not for all plants.