Coffee review

How long does the zero basic barista need to learn? is the sca barista certificate useful?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) how long will baristas learn? A: short-term training is mostly aimed at amateurs, teaching some simple home production, and educational equipment is also aimed at home equipment education, so if you want to open a shop, this kind of short-term courses can not meet the needs of opening a shop. In addition, some are short-term

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How long does it take for a barista to learn?

A: short-term training is mostly aimed at amateurs, teaching some simple home production, and educational equipment is also aimed at home equipment education, so if you want to open a shop, this kind of short-term courses can not meet the needs of opening a shop. In addition, some short-term classes are aimed at baristas with a certain skill base who want to further their studies or some coffee shop owners want to learn from them. Obviously, there is no basis for learning coffee shop opening short courses are not suitable.

Is the sca barista certificate useful?

A: very useful. After the merger of SCAA American boutique coffee industry association and SCAE European boutique coffee industry association, it is called SCA global boutique coffee association. Coffee Diploma Coffee Diploma comes from the educational diploma system of SCAE (European Fine Coffee Industry Association). It is a modular and phased learning system to obtain the corresponding coffee diploma by completing credits. It is a diploma education system similar to that on campus. The SCA Coffee Diploma system is divided into six modules: introduction to Introduction Coffee, Coffee Roasting Coffee roasting, Sensory sensory Taste, Green Bean Coffee Raw beans, Brewing Grinding extraction, and Barista Skill barista skills. Except for the introduction of coffee (10 points), the other sections are divided into primary (5 points), intermediate (10 points) and advanced (25 points). Upon completion of each level, there will be a certificate of the corresponding level that can be applied for. When any combination of credits has completed 100 points, you can apply for the SCA Coffee Diploma.

Understanding the treatment methods and characteristics of raw beans in coffee producing areas

The theoretical basis of sensory cup measurement and the application of cup meter

Understanding and training of taste senses

Smell training of 36-flavor coffee smell bottle

Sensory descriptive cup testing training characteristics of different coffee processing techniques and cup testing characteristics and cup testing of different coffee producing areas

Principle of single Coffee extraction

Factors affecting Coffee extraction

Study on the ratio of Coffee to Water

How to make a reasonable coffee extraction scheme

Operation and training of different individual appliances

Working principle of Italian coffee machine bean grinder

The principle of Italian coffee extraction

Factors affecting the extraction of Italian Coffee

How to quickly adjust the grinding state of bean grinder

Extraction intensive training for different Coffee espresso

The Choice of Milk and the understanding of Milk foam

Factors affecting the production of milk foam and intensive training of milk foam

The principle of the formation of coffee flowers

Basic Coffee drawing exercises and manipulation Correction

Effect of Espresso on Coffee blossom

Correction and practice of Advanced graphic flow

Intensive training of Coffee pattern drawing skills

Hygienic management of bar products

Cleaning and maintenance of Italian coffee machine and bean grinder