Coffee review

When beginners start to practice drawing flowers, they always have difficult and complicated problems in their hearts.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, As soon as I entered the flower, I thought that I didn't know how many stupid things I had done in order to pull the flower. I watched the video and studied the skill of drawing flowers. I was infatuated with it. Every day, I poured milk, foamed, injected exercises, practiced water, practiced fusion, and pushed patterns in order to pull out a good-looking pattern. Every day, I was like a shen jing friend (bing).

As soon as I entered the flower, I thought that the editor had done many stupid things in order to pull the flower. I watched the video and studied the skill of drawing flowers. I was infatuated with it. every day, I was infatuated with milk, foaming, injecting exercises, practicing water, practicing fusion, and pushing patterns. In order to pull out a good-looking pattern, I have been practicing and abusing like a shen (jing) friend (bing) every day. As an experienced person who used to be a flower lover, I will solve the problems in my mind today when I am a novice practicing pulling flowers.

The pattern in your mind is like this...

The result is this...


At this moment, ten thousand grass-mud horses walk through my heart.?

How to put the ① steam bar?

Before we talk about foam, let's talk about how to put the steam stick. In general, the angle of the steam rod can be placed with the cylinder nozzle as a fulcrum at 12:00, and the steam rod at 2-3 o'clock or 9-10:00 in the direction of the milk tank. This arrangement allows the milk to rotate and form a small whirlpool as soon as possible, so that the thicker milk bubbles can be involved in the milk, so that the milk has a dense state. (of course, the angle of the steam rod varies from person to person.)

How does ② make milk foam?

After finding the right position, put the steam pipe under the surface of the milk, open the steam pipe, pump the steam into the milk to make milk foam, and you will hear the sound of "Zizi". (this is the sound of bubbling) at first, many beginners always think that the more bubbles, the better, so the more "Zizi" sound, but do not know that the longer the breeding time, the foam will become very rough, unable to do flower pulling. In fact, it only takes 4-5 seconds to pump up the milk bubble, then raise the milk tank a little bit, let the milk and foam rotate and run-in in the whirlpool, and blend into one. At this time, you will no longer hear the "nourishing sound". When the milk reaches the ideal temperature, turn off the steam pipe, you will find that the big foam just disappeared, in fact, a layer of microfoam has been formed on the surface of the milk. And that layer of foam is the material we want to pull flowers.

Another point is that the depth of the steam stick under the milk is not as deep as possible. after all, the main purpose of milk is to beat the air into the milk. if the steam rod is too deep, it is impossible to contact the air, of course, it is not good to be too shallow, because if it is too shallow, the milk may splash as soon as it is opened, or the steam foams too much, and the liquid surface is full of rough bubbles.

In general, we take about 1cm as the benchmark, if the coffee machine steam is too strong, the vortex is too large or turbulence, then you can slightly put the steam stick into a deeper position; if the coffee machine steam is not strong enough, then you can put the steam stick in a shallow position so that the milk can form a small whirlpool as soon as possible without rotating too violently or causing turbulence.

How to integrate ③?

Good fusion can directly reflect the taste of a cup of coffee, but also make your whole cup of coffee beautiful. The first point is to tilt the coffee cup 45 degrees, the flow rate is always injected into the cup, at the beginning of the fixed point injection, then try to uniform high and low injection and circle injection, and finally high and low and circle at the same time, pay attention to slowly correct the hand of the cup (remember that the injected water can not be broken before pulling flowers). In addition, the milk should be injected lightly at the beginning, and use the finer milk to drive the coffee liquid in your cup to fuse. The fused milk coffee has fluidity. In addition, the magnitude of the fusion has a lot to do with the thickness of the foam you make. The main reason is that the thicker the bubble, the worse the fluidity in the fusion. At this time, a greater extent is needed to ensure the fluidity of the surface of the milk coffee. Second, I believe that when many people start to practice fusion, they always don't know where the fusion ends. In fact, when you can see that the fusion to the milk white silk is going to surface, then you can basically stop the fusion.

The temperature of ④ milk?

Generally speaking, we recommend that the temperature is between 60 °C and 65 °C. if the temperature is too high, it is easy to burn the milk foam and become unstable. Moreover, if the temperature of the milk is too high, the protein in it will change, and it will not taste good. When it comes to the temperature of milk, by the way, I also like to use full-fat fresh milk to foam, in fact, it is mainly the use of full-fat fresh milk, because of its high fat and protein content, can produce more and more smooth milk foam. In addition, milk must be frozen at 0-4 °C, because frozen milk can prolong the mixing time when foaming, mix the milk and foam properly, and pull out more beautiful flowers.

Finally, add a solid step.

[steps to pull solid]

① lowered the milk tank close to the cup and began to inject it from the center of the liquid level.

② the left hand milk cup is positioned while the right hand milk jar increases the flow rate and slowly straightens it. At this time, you will see the foam floating on it slowly forming a circle and slowly expanding.

③ the round shape of the foam is already formed when the cup reaches an angle of 180 °. When the milk tank is raised in place, the flow of water should be reduced at the same time (be careful not to push forward at the same time). Use the impact of the current to press down the coffee liquid on the upper layer, and you will see heart-shaped grooves in the original round. the water on both sides converges in the middle.

④ can push forward after the appearance of the heart-shaped grooves so that the heart-shaped pointed tail comes out.

⑤ a solid was born in this way.

This so-called ah ~ as the saying goes, it is useless to beep all the time without practicing fake tricks ~ ~ after all, it is a skill that practice makes perfect. Anyway, if you want to practice pulling flowers, just one word "practice", which is summed up in the practice. In the summary, constantly improve ~ hey ~ maybe you will be the god of pulling flowers in the next second.