Coffee review

Coffee shop is charged for taking pictures! Is there a charge for taking pictures without spending money in the cafe?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Recently, a new online celebrity cafe in Hangzhou has attracted many people to take photos because of its unique decoration style. In order to dissuade photographers, the store posted an online announcement of "photo fees". The news then sparked a hot search on the Internet. Why publish the announcement of "Photo charge"? The shop owner responded: make an announcement that the cafe stipulates that you need to buy a ticket for taking pictures, 50 yuan a day.

Recently, a new online celebrity cafe in Hangzhou has attracted many people to take photos because of its unique decoration style. In order to dissuade photographers, the store posted an online announcement of "photo fees". The news then sparked a hot search on the Internet.

Why publish the announcement of "Photo charge"?

The store owner responded: the announcement that "the cafe stipulates that you need to buy tickets for taking photos, 50 yuan per person" is to dissuade the photographers, because many people have been patting and ordering for a long time, which has affected the normal operation of the coffee shop, and this countermeasure is also a helpless move. But in fact, there is no charge in the store.

Some netizens also expressed support for the store's approach. "it doesn't matter if you spend money on taking pictures, it's not that consumers go to take pictures, which will affect normal consumers, which is quite reasonable."

So, for cafes that sell space, is there a charge for "taking seats, not spending, only taking pictures" in the cafe?

As a matter of fact, as a place of business, cafes do have the right to refuse or charge reasonably, but before charging, merchants should explicitly inform the announcement of photo charges to avoid unnecessary disputes.

For example, in 2019, a news of "entering the store to take pictures but not ordering was asked to charge 50 yuan" caused a sensation all over the net. the cause of the matter was that the guests did not have a single point of consumption but took pictures in the store. then the store asked the guests for 50 yuan "photo fee" caused a dispute, according to the normal business process, the photo fee itself is not illegal, but because the store owner did not explicitly enter the store to charge for photography, so there is unreasonable charging behavior. Finally, after adjustment, the result is as follows: the shopkeeper returns 50 yuan in cash to the guest, and the guest agrees to delete the photo.

Today, for many young people, in addition to satisfying the appetite for food and beverage, interior decoration and sunny absorption is also a major advantage worth clocking in, coupled with the blessing of the "network celebrity" effect in some cafes. It has become popular to enter the store to take photos and publish social circles. In this case, the shop owner can explicitly indicate whether to charge according to the needs of his own store or in the case of affecting normal business, the shop owner has the right to ask customers to prohibit taking photos.

From the shop owner's point of view, independent cafes do not make money has become a consensus of the industry, coffee shop rent, decoration fees, equipment maintenance, raw materials costs, labor costs are high, entering the store consumption has become one of the sources of income, in the face of high expenses but no income, it is reasonable to ask for fees in the cafe.

However, from the customer's point of view, in the case at the beginning, the store owner made it clear that "the photographer not only affected the operation of the store, but also brought a bad sense of experience to the customers who really came to spend." there is also such a hot comment: "people who open a shop to do business." If you want to take a picture and order a drink to support it! "

Finally, whether from the point of view of the store owner or from the point of view of the guests, "for cafes that sell space, is there a charge for" taking seats, not spending but taking pictures "in the cafe? There is no standard answer to this proposition, and the best thing to do is to understand and respect each other.

What do you think of this?

* Image source: Internet