Coffee review

Can black coffee really accelerate fat burning?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Losing weight has always been a hot topic for modern young people, and black coffee has also become the first choice for everyone during the period of weight loss. However, does black coffee really have the effect of losing weight? Let's not say whether black coffee really has the effect of losing weight, but drinking the right amount of black coffee every day is really good for health, because coffee is rich in caffeine and polyphenolic antioxidants for healthy adults.

Losing weight has always been a hot topic for modern young people, and black coffee has also become the first choice for everyone during the period of weight loss. However, does black coffee really have the effect of losing weight?

Forget whether black coffee is really good for weight loss, but drinking the right amount of black coffee every day is really good for your health, because coffee is rich in caffeine and polyphenolic antioxidants, for healthy adults, it is safe to consume no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day.

As for the weight loss effect of black coffee, it is mainly because the caffeine in coffee can promote intestinal peristalsis and promote metabolism. A number of studies have shown that caffeine in coffee can increase people's metabolism, thus making the body consume more energy. According to the China Food Daily, coffee also has the effect of reducing appetite. Studies have shown that drinking coffee before a meal reduces the amount of food you eat. But if you drink coffee three or four hours before dinner, it will not affect the next meal, so if you want coffee to reduce appetite, it is best to drink black coffee close to dinner.

In addition, according to the World wide Web, scientists in Spain have published a paper on the fat-burning potential of drinking coffee before exercise and the effects of drinking coffee at different times of the day on the final results. studies have shown that drinking a cup of espresso half an hour before aerobic exercise can significantly increase the so-called maximum fat oxidation rate.

The study involved 15 men with an average age of 32 who were given a daily dose of caffeine with an espresso or placebo and exercise half an hour later. The subjects' diet and fasting were strictly standardized. The scientists then measured the maximum fat oxidation rate (MFO) during exercise and found that all those who had previously drunk espresso burned more fat.

"our results show that consuming high levels of caffeine 30 minutes before aerobic exercise increases the maximum rate of fat oxidation during exercise, regardless of any time of day," the researchers said. " The researchers also pointed out that higher doses of caffeine may further promote fat burning and further investigation is needed.

Of course, the sample size of this study is very small, and it is understood that another study of more than 600 people found that participants' higher caffeine intake was associated with weight, body mass index (BMI) and fat loss. When participants doubled their caffeine intake, their weight, BMI and fat decreased by 17% and 28%.

The black coffee referred to in this article refers to coffee without sugar or cream. Drinking coffee before exercise can effectively promote fat burning. As long as the right amount of black coffee is indeed good for health; excessive consumption of black coffee will do some harm to the body, for example, excessive consumption of coffee is easy to stimulate the intestinal tract and mucous membrane of the human body, and drinking too much coffee at night will affect sleep quality. reduce sleep time, so that the body's immune function decline, not only does not play a weight loss effect, but also easy to bring a series of diseases.