Coffee review

Is seesaw Coffee Shanghai an online celebrity store? boutique Coffee Seesaw is the first Mini store.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As mentioned in the previous article, the coffee market is getting bigger and stronger, thus creating more new possibilities for boutique coffee, such as opening a Mini store. When coffee brands are immersed in all kinds of black gold stores, Pro stores or pop-up stores, boutique coffee Seesaw quietly cut into Mini stores, selling nearly 500 cups of drinks a day! On January 18, China's local creative boutique coffee chain brand

As mentioned in the previous article, the coffee market is getting bigger and stronger, thus creating more new possibilities for boutique coffee, such as opening a Mini store.

When coffee brands are immersed in all kinds of black gold stores, Pro stores or pop-up stores, boutique coffee Seesaw quietly cut into Mini stores, selling nearly 500 cups of drinks a day!

Seesaw Coffee, a local creative boutique coffee chain, opened its first Seesaw Mini store in Nanjing on January 18, attracting wide attention in the industry.

It is understood that this store is the first Seesaw Mini store in the country and is now open to the public. It is located in the 5th floor lobby of Nanjing International Financial Center (Sun Hung Kai IFC).

Seesaw new store mini store as its name "mini", the overall area is not very large, the store is equipped with 3-4 baristas, the menu is also very concise, only provides more than 10 drinks, mainly brand classic hot-selling style and daily rigid demand coffee products, in addition, as a creative boutique coffee representative, mini shop also specially provides a Nanjing limited Jinling sweet-scented osmanthus small latte.

In terms of service, Mini shop mainly focuses on the rapid consumption scene, that is, the take-out mode of "placing an order online, that is, buying and leaving". It issues orders through the digitization of Mini Program, focusing on optimizing the single-store model around the maximization of efficiency. Consumers only need to pick up from the store or pick up takeout after placing an order.

Compared with the standard store type, the location of Mini store is no longer the previous business area, but focuses on the area of mobile customer base, and also improves the timeliness of service.

It is worth noting that although the area of the store is small and the menu is simple, according to 36 krypton reports, the data provided by Seewaw show that the first month performance of the store is 8000 yuan, and the highest daily cup output is 450 cups, of which online orders account for 60%, and takeout orders account for 35%. In addition, the data show that the sales of creative coffee in Mini stores account for more than 50%, which belongs to TOP1 products. Sure enough, as netizens said: open one, fire one!

In this regard, Seewaw said: same-store sales ratio is expected to achieve 50% growth in 2021, and plans to expand mini-stores in existing markets such as Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen as well as new markets in the future.

In fact, Seewaw already has its own "fame" among many cafes.

Seewaw Coffee Brand, founded in 2012, is one of the earliest boutique coffee brands in China.

Seesaw first store opened in Shanghai Yuyuan Road in 2012, focusing on boutique coffee and hand-brewed coffee, the customer base is mainly young people. Because of the unique design style of its coffee shop, Seesaw coffee sold 1000 cups of coffee on the opening day of Huaihai Road store in 2015. In addition, in August last year, Seesaw Coffee opened its first store in Hangzhou and set a single store sales record, according to reports. On the opening day, there was a long queue at the door to sell thousands of drinks, and the unit price increased by 40%, setting a new record for Seesaw's historical one-day turnover, and then quickly entered Dianping's popularity list top1.

In the location of stores, Seesaw is different from the practice of boutique cafes. Seesaw is generally located in the business district. Since its establishment, there have been more than 20 stores in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places. In the long eight years, the expansion rate of only 20 stores is a piece of cake for Starbucks, but Seesaw has already had its own ideas on store expansion.

In terms of store styling, Seesaw breaks the previous fixed perception of "small and beautiful" boutique coffee in the industry. In terms of store types, Seesaw focuses on: standard stores that integrate products and experience, theme stores that integrate scenes and innovative product experiences, and Mini stores that focus on online scenes introduced this time.

What Seesaw likes is not how many stores to open or how fast to open, but that every one of them is "fine". According to public data, all Seesaw stores are profitable, with more than 500000 members, of which 40% are active members in a single month. under the influence of the previous epidemic, same-store sales still grow by 30%. After realizing profits, Seewaw, which focuses on boutique coffee and cultural promotion, continues to look for further ways. Not only power e-commerce but also continue to expand the demand for new scenes in the market, for such a coffee brand, it is not surprising to open Mini stores.

Nowadays, for the whole coffee market, the concept of boutique coffee has become very popular, and the development trend of digitalization and takeout has become the focus area of boutique coffee brands.

With the rapid development of the coffee market, for consumers, the consumption scene of coffee is no longer just a single scene of cafes, and in the past year or two, domestic chain coffee brand Luckin Coffee, high-quality instant coffee brand Yongpu coffee and hanging ear coffee head brand Sumida Kawakawa coffee have vigorously launched more convenient coffee products, under the premise of the massive popularity of coffee culture. "Coffee" is no longer a rare drink, and the market for boutique coffee is moving towards a wider range of mass consumers, which also means that coffee is moving from boutique to daily life. The development of Mini stores or the promotion of takeout platform has become an important fulcrum for boutique coffee brands to seek change and transformation.

Speaking of this change, Starbucks, the world's largest coffee chain, should be the first to try it. Although Starbucks'"third Space" has won a lot of praise in the Chinese market, Starbucks has not satisfied this "comfortable" state.

In 2019, Starbucks China made major changes to the management team structure, while announcing the entry of two new businesses-"Starbucks Retail (third Space)" and "Digital Innovation (fourth Space)". In order to further expand the size of the Chinese market; in May 2019, Starbucks launched a new retail store form, "Kaikai concept Store" in Beijing.

In fact, the concept store and Mini store are the same concept, both want to solve the large-scale needs of customers with smaller stores and less rent. This type of store occupies a small area, but is efficiency-oriented, focusing on office white-collar workers, such as Luckin Coffee. Luckin Coffee takes a fancy to office white-collar coffee users, so more than 90% of the stores are small-scale express stores.


Whether it is to open Mini stores or develop takeout channels, or to open a standard store, in fact, in essence, it is still to meet the different needs of market consumption. If you want the brand to maintain sustainable vitality, in addition to its own product quality, in the long development time, it is also a good advantage to have a clear trading idea for its own brand.

According to the current development direction of Seesaw, this Seesaw trading into the Mini store is just a small start, and if nothing happens, Seesaw's offline expansion is expected to accelerate in 2021.

* Image source: Internet