Coffee review

Outrageous! There are more milk tea shops in Shanghai than coffee shops.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, According to the data, the number of cafes in Shanghai has surpassed that of New York in the United States, becoming the country with the largest number of cafes in the world, thus it can be seen that coffee culture is constantly entering our daily life, so there are many foreign coffee industry giants pouring into our country, such as Italian coffee leading companies illy and Lavazza.

According to the data, the number of cafes in Shanghai has surpassed that of New York in the United States, becoming the country with the largest number of cafes in the world, thus it can be seen that coffee culture is constantly entering our daily life, so there are many foreign coffee industry giants pouring into our country, such as Italian coffee leading companies illy and Lavazza.

But there are actually more tea shops in Shanghai than coffee shops. According to Guangming, according to Dianping, the number of tea shops in Shanghai has reached 9056, while the number of coffee shops is 7494.

As we all know, Chinese tea culture is deeply popular among the people, and a cup of tea after a meal has become a habit of the elders, while contemporary young people prefer to add milk to their tea-milk tea. They must have a cup of milk tea in their hands when they go out. Even jokingly said that "milk tea can continue to live", which also triggered a hot topic on Weibo.

It can be seen that the popularity and popularity of tea in our country, it is no exaggeration to say that milk tea has become a part of the life of contemporary young people, whether happy or unhappy, drinking milk tea has also become a norm.

This phenomenon was also unimaginable 10 years ago, when milk tea was made of saccharin and instant tea powder, and the price was very low, so the price of a cup of milk tea was only 3 yuan, but with the birth of Xi tea, new tea gradually entered our lives, breaking people's daily practice of drinking cheap milk tea.

Although the price of new-style tea, such as milk tea, is nearly 10 times more expensive than the previous 3-yuan cup of milk tea, its formula is also healthier for the human body. It is all made of fresh fruit, tea and fresh milk. therefore, many consumers are still willing to pay for it.

And as China's economic strength is getting stronger and stronger, people's living standards continue to improve, and they are more willing to spend money on food, so the tea industry has developed in this way, so it can be said that tea brands are just in time.

As the threshold of the early tea industry is very low, which also led to the emergence of a wide range of tea brands in our lives, but if we want to operate and develop a brand, it is impossible to develop without our own brand characteristics.

For example, the pleasant appearance of tea at first became popular because of its unique antique line, the naming of milk tea, and the innovation in the shape and materials of tea, so it attracted a large number of consumer groups to come to buy and sign in, and then released to the social platform. it further attracts more consumer groups, which makes its popularity spread faster, which makes consumers often think of the brand and form certain feelings. As a result, the consumption frequency is increased.

In addition, well-known tea brands like tea and Nai Xue's tea often have cross-border cooperation and promotion channels, such as time-limited drinks jointly launched with a major brand, so as to stimulate consumers' desire to buy. Not only that, they also sell their own brands to promote bottled drinks through e-commerce platforms. These practices can not only improve the awareness of their own brands, but also enable consumers to drink their brand drinks anytime and anywhere at home. With all kinds of information implanted, these brands are naturally integrated into everyone's daily consumption, and the brand will be in the hearts of consumers and will never be forgotten.

From this point of view, these practices of tea brands also provide a reference for the coffee industry to enter China's consumer market in the future. after all, the boutique coffee industry has not fully entered China's consumer market, and the general consumer group's impression of coffee still stays at the level of instant coffee. Opponents do not know enough about coffee and boutique coffee culture.

China's coffee market still has a piece of soil to be developed. In order to develop the coffee market, we must, like tea brands, promote their own brand culture, ensure their product quality, and understand consumers' purchase motivation and consumption patterns. in order to impress consumers to buy their own brand products.