Coffee review

How does the third Space of Starbucks Store Design attract consumers to go on blind dates at Starbucks now?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Do you think Starbucks only has Starbucks atmosphere Group? No, no! Starbucks may also have a dating convention group. On March 8, a couple from Xiaoshan in Hangzhou posted their dating history on a social platform, along with PO's spending records on Starbucks matchmaking. From the perspective of consumption information, Starbucks bags that have been there from November 2020 to March 2021 in Starbucks consumption area

Do you think Starbucks only has Starbucks atmosphere Group?

No, no!

Starbucks may also have a matchmaking convention group.

On March 8, a couple from Xiaoshan in Hangzhou posted their dating history on a social platform, along with PO's spending records on Starbucks matchmaking.

From the perspective of consumer information, in the Starbucks consumer area, Starbucks has been to Starbucks from November 2020 to March 2021, including Guali, Beigan and other different stores, the consumption amount is about 25 yuan cheap and 70 yuan high.

Starbucks blind date consumption record

The above consumer screenshot is only part of it, the young man said:

"the number of girls who have been on blind dates at Starbucks can reach three tables. Starbucks has recorded my blind date history again and again."

Although there are a large number of blind dates, we have not met anyone so far, and we have all become friends.

After that, the "dating History of Hangzhou Boys' Starbucks" suddenly became popular on the Internet and attracted hot comments from netizens.

However, for Starbucks, which has always attached great importance to the "third Space", there is nothing wrong with this group choosing to go on a blind date at Starbucks, as netizens commented:

Spending at Starbucks is cheap, so it's time to be content.

This consumption posture can go directly to Starbucks part-time atmosphere group.

The most interesting thing is, why did this guy fail to go on so many blind dates at Starbucks? Netizens who are greatly inspired by their thinking say:

As we all know, "third Space" is one of Starbucks' most valued scene areas. Earlier, Starbucks also became a hot topic among netizens because of a "Starbucks atmosphere group", and Starbucks played a reverse marketing game for it.

I can't figure out what's so special about Starbucks. Even a blind date can be conducted in a scene like Starbucks.

But in fact, it is not difficult to find that many people pay attention to the concept of Starbucks not just for a cup of coffee.

Earlier, founder Kevin Johnson said: "Starbucks is positioned as a transitional space between home and work, connecting and creating a community through a warm and comfortable space."

As a giant of the global coffee chain, Starbucks is different from the consumption scene of other cafes. Starbucks' concept of "third space" plays the third most important role in life after home and office. The unique "Starbucks experience" also creates a more relaxed and free place for customers to talk freely. Starbucks believes that the so-called "third space" refers to the social space that we can feel relaxed, happy and soothing besides life and work.

In addition, there is another factor that Daddy Xing can win popularity with the "third Space"-- design.

In recent years, Xing's father has also taken great pains in store design, so that some people directly tease Starbucks that it is not suitable for selling coffee and is more suitable for space design.

Starbucks' store design is mainly based on "third Space" and is very fastidious.

As an out-and-out coffee boss in the coffee industry, Starbucks can bring a brand-new shock to the industry every time it attacks. People who often follow Starbucks know that Starbucks has always been very strict in terms of space design. Among them, the storefront designs of most Starbucks stores are quite local characteristics. In some well-known geographical locations, Starbucks will skillfully combine local customs and customs into the space design according to local conditions. Thus forming a unique Starbucks culture.

"third Space" has a special meaning for Starbucks fans. It is a space that can release daily stress besides home and office. For social animals who are under pressure every day, it is really difficult for Starbucks, which pays attention to space experience, to refuse.

* Image source: Internet