Coffee review

Do your favorite beverage brands have safety and health problems?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today is the International Consumer Rights Day, and the most discussed topic every year is food safety, so this year Phoenix New Media Finance and Economics also launched a large-scale investigation of consumer complaints, among which many well-known beverage brands have been named and criticized in the food and beverage field. Among them, the more famous ones are McDonald's, Mengniu, Yili, Nai Xue Tea, Costa, Xi Tea, Starbucks and so on.

Today is the International Consumer Rights Day, and the most discussed topic every year is food safety, so this year Phoenix New Media Finance and Economics also launched a large-scale investigation of consumer complaints, among which many well-known beverage brands have been named and criticized in the food and beverage field.

Among them, the more famous ones are McDonald's, Mengniu, Yili, Nai Xue Tea, Costa, Xi Tea, Starbucks and so on.

According to the poll, McDonald's contains carcinogen PFAS in its food packaging. The issue topped the list of complaints in the catering industry. PFAS is a class of chemicals associated with cancer, liver injury, thyroid disease and developmental problems. However, McDonald's responded that the food packaging materials used in China did not add PFASs (perfluorinated and polyfluorinated compounds), which fully complied with the relevant national standards. Please rest assured to use it. But the vote also shows the importance consumers attach to McDonald's food safety.

Further on, the beverage brands with the most complaints are Mengniu, Yili and Jane Eyre. These products are all dairy products. For example, the Jane Eyre brand was complained about maggots in yogurt. Although Jane Eyre responded that there was no problem with the product quality, industry insiders believe that even if there is no quality problem this time, what Jane Eyre worries most is the OEM mode, "because as long as it is a contract manufacturer, it does not control the entire production end. This is a big hidden danger for Jane Eyre. "

In addition, such as the well-known coffee brand Costa chain stores have also been complained by consumers to eat live worms in the cake, the shelf life of Costa cake packaging is: frozen (that is, less than-18 degrees Celsius) for 90 days, thawed (0-8 degrees Celsius) for 3 days (72 hours).

This inevitably makes people wonder whether the frozen shelf life of the cake will not be bad for such a long time. The price of the cake is not cheap, and it must not be too fresh for such a long time. At the same time, these labels are also handwritten labels, so many consumers are also worried about this. After all, handwritten labels all depend on the consciousness of the merchants, and there is a lot of room for operation. If the merchants modify the thawing time without authorization, how can consumers know? " .

The long-lasting cake is not unique to Costa, but also to coffee chains such as Starbucks, which was suspended for suspected cockroaches on pastries in Shanghai in April 2019.

Naxue's tea did not prevent this kind of thing from happening. although the European bread in Naixue's tea shop was made on site, some consumers reacted to the mildew and deterioration found on the European bags they bought.

This also causes consumers to ponder whether hygiene problems such as cake and Euro also reflect that there are hygiene problems in the whole store. Now it is pastry, and will there be anything uncomfortable to eat in the future? if these things are exposed one after another, they will also lose confidence in consumers in the brand.

At the same time, such as Xi Cha can not avoid the supervision of such food safety risks. According to the Nanjing Municipal Administration of Supervision in mid-2020, five batches of its products were found to have problems such as excessive bacterial colonies in a random inspection. Four batches of drinks were contaminated by microorganisms, and one batch of edible ice colonies exceeded the standard. In fact, this is not the first time that there has been a problem with food safety in Xi Tea. Earlier, the Vientiane City store in Xiamen was found to have seriously exceeded the container ATP index by the market regulatory authorities.

From the above examples, we can't help but feel cold about these large chain beverage brands. after all, most people think that big brands will have more food safety protection before they choose to spend, and if they have a bad experience, they will greatly discount the brand image. but what has happened has already happened, what brands should do is to do their own food safety and product quality control in a down-to-earth manner now and even in the future. Only by putting an end to the occurrence of such things can we keep the hearts of consumers in terms of fundamental food quality. after all, if a beverage brand cannot even give consumers the most basic food safety protection, how can we talk about development and innovation?

So in the end, I hope that the major brands can pay close attention to food safety and hygiene issues, so that the development of the beverage industry is getting better and better, but also let consumers can buy rest assured, drink peace of mind.

* Image source: Internet