Coffee review

What's the taste of Chinese medicine coffee Chinese wolfberry latte? a hospital in Zhejiang launched traditional Chinese medicine coffee.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, There are experts in the field of traditional Chinese medicine cross-border coffee! Today, the topic of Weibo is also "coffee with traditional Chinese medicine". The frequent occurrence of traditional Chinese medicine coffee gives people the illusion that drinking Chinese herbal coffee has become fashionable. It is understood that Jizhou Cafe, located in the traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, made a bold attempt: it launched several coffee and desserts with Chinese herbal medicine, and this product has Chinese wolfberry.

There are experts in the field of traditional Chinese medicine cross-border coffee!

Today, the topic of Weibo is also "coffee with traditional Chinese medicine".

The frequent occurrence of "traditional Chinese medicine coffee" gives people the illusion that "drinking Chinese herbal coffee has become fashionable".

It is understood that Jizhou Cafe, located in Quzhou traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Zhejiang Province, made a bold attempt: it launched several coffee and desserts with Chinese herbal medicine, such as Chinese wolfberry latte, Luohanguo American style, tangerine peel and so on.

According to relevant introductions, the Jizhou Cafe is the first hospital in Quzhou to create its own brand of coffee. In order to provide a more comfortable environment for the hospital's medical staff, patients and their families, the Jizhou Coffee Restaurant came into being in early February this year.

After the coffee shop opened, the hospital also actively combined its own traditional Chinese medicine characteristics, preparing to create unique coffee drinks and desserts. After previous research and development, the cafe officially launched three products with Chinese herbal medicine in early April.

The hospital said that this will help spread the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and let more young people understand traditional Chinese medicine in a "cross-border" way of combining China and the West.

At present, the cafe mainly offers two kinds of Chinese medicine coffee, Chinese wolfberry latte and Luohanguo American style, as well as a tangerine peel and halberd dessert. Although Chinese herbal medicine is added to the two kinds of traditional Chinese medicine coffee, the existence of traditional Chinese medicine is not visible to the naked eye. In the taste, those who like bitter can choose American Luohanguo, and those who like slightly sweeter can choose Chinese wolfberry latte.

The staff of Jizhou Cafe said: the Chinese wolfberry latte is a coffee made by adding Chinese wolfberry pulp to an ordinary latte and fully mixed with milk. the ingredients of Chinese wolfberry can not be seen in the coffee, but the taste of Chinese wolfberry can be tasted from the taste.

The person in charge of Quzhou traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital also said: compared with green tea and black tea, coffee is a relatively new drink, it is easier to be loved by young people, and it is more attractive to young people by implanting elements of traditional Chinese medicine into coffee so as to better spread the culture of traditional Chinese medicine. after that, some suitable traditional Chinese medicines will be incorporated into coffee or desserts, for example, according to the season. Now some seasonal dual-use fruits (mulberries) can be used to make mulberry cakes Or Quzhou authentic medicine Dendrobium can be used to make Dendrobium drinks.

The hospital staff also said that more drinks and desserts will be developed to further spread the culture of traditional Chinese medicine.

In fact, traditional Chinese medicine coffee existed on the market as early as last year.

For example, this hospital in Zhejiang has launched traditional Chinese medicine coffee products to make changes to a large number of brands.

In July last year, Tongrentang, a century-old brand, opened a traditional Chinese medicine healthy catering experience store in the East third Ring Road of Beijing, and for the first time combined traditional Chinese medicine and coffee to launch a series of traditional Chinese medicine coffee, which attracted wide attention in the industry. including Chinese wolfberry latte, motherwort rose latte, Hawthorn tangerine peel American coffee with Chinese herbal medicine.

Since Tongrentang launched traditional Chinese medicine coffee, for a moment, everyone thought it was very new. after that, these health series coffee are also very popular among young people, and they can even sell thousands of cups a day. At present, Tongrentang traditional Chinese medicine coffee has become a popular style of Internet celebrities.

In addition, last year, Tonghan Chuntang, a century-old traditional Chinese medicine shop, also launched more than 30 kinds of tea drinks, such as health tea, fruit tea, milk tea, sparkling water and coffee, among which the health-preserving coffee introduced by this store are health-preserving American-style black coffee and ginseng honey latte respectively, and you can also choose the ingredients independently, such as adding ginseng, wolfberry and so on.

A little longer ago, it can also be found that Dong E E Jiao, known as "Maotai in medicine", also made coffee across the border in 2019 to bring a different new coffee experience to consumers.

In October 2019, Dong'e Ejiao announced the joint launch of five new products of "Coffee so much gelatin" series with the first self-baking flagship store of Beijing Pacific Coffee, including OATLY Ejiao red jujube latte, East Ejiao latte, Ejiao red jujube latte, Dong Ejiao matcha tea latte and Dong Ejiao Tremella tea latte.

At present, cross-border has become one of the new ways to push through the old and bring forth the new, and it is also one of the conventional practices for old brands to meet the curiosity of young consumers through novel cross-border products. After all, everyone knows that the bigger the contrast, the more attractive it is for consumers. At the same time, it breaks the traditional image of established brands and further makes the brand younger.

Take Tongrentang, a time-honored brand for example, as an old brand that has been inherited for a century, the behavior of combining traditional Chinese medicine mixed coffee with innovation is really eye-catching, but in the end, no matter how cross-border push through the old and bring forth the new, the most important thing is to launch products that are really suitable for the consumer market and the product experience that keeps pace with the times. only in this way can we attract a steady stream of young people and maintain the long-term vitality of the brand. Blindly crossing the border or just to win the attention of the public will only be a flash in the pan.

* Image source: Internet