Coffee review

How to use Starbucks' new online social function "Starka"? Starbucks online order Mini Program

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, On May 10, Starbucks announced on its official Wechat account that it has a new function for online Starbucks. It is understood that the all-Nova Ka function has been launched simultaneously in Starbucks WeChat Mini Programs and App. In terms of function, the newly launched Xingka is like a customized coffee business card. Members of the Star Club can set their favorite beverage preferences and customize their coffee after creating Xingka.

Starbucks announced the launch of a new function of Starbucks on its official Wechat account on May 10.

It is understood that the new "Starka" function has been launched synchronously in Starbucks WeChat Mini Programs and App.

In terms of function, the newly launched "Starka" is like a customized "coffee business card". After Starking Club members create Xingka, they can set their favorite beverage preferences, customize their coffee concept and generate exclusive posters of Starka. At the same time, you can also collect or share with your friends, and then use the quick click of coffee to place an order for your friends. In addition, you can also use the "help TA belt" function to start online coffee socialization, and it is convenient to order a cup of TA's favorite customized drink saved on Starka for your friends.

To put it simply, the newly launched "Starka" is based on the habits and needs of the current user community for digital social communication. Starbucks said it hopes to build a more humane digital ecosystem through evolving digital product functions, to provide customers with a convenient and warm Starbucks experience.

However, Starbucks has already introduced a number of new Starbucks features, such as:

On May 21, 2019, Starbucks launched a new function of "online click, go to the store" in China, called "Coffee Fast Starbucks Now".

In February 2020, Starbucks improved its previous "dedicated star delivery" delivery service and "Kaikuai" mobile ordering service by launching a "contactless Starbucks experience" to encourage customers to order online.

At the end of May 2020, WeChat Mini Programs partnered with Tencent, a competitor of Starbucks, to launch Starbucks, offering membership rights and special star distribution services, as well as launching a takeout service and selling surrounding areas.

The ™service of Starbucks China Coffee Express officially launched in WeChat Mini Programs on March 16, 2021. At the same time, Starbucks also launched two new functions, "helping TA Belt" and "Coffee Social experience Edition", and launched in WeChat Mini Programs. These two major service functions are also based on Starbucks' insight into the social attributes of Starbucks in the ecology of Wechat. Through the coffee number, Starbucks has created a new coffee circle.

Not long ago, Starbucks also launched a very powerful feature-Aira app convenient ordering, which is specially developed to help the visually impaired and the low-sighted. The reason why it is very powerful is that it is very advanced, such as: users only need to download Aira app software to use it. App software will match a trained visual interpreter to connect with users remotely, just put the phone camera forward. The visual interpreter of the remote service will become the eyes of the user, informing the user of the surrounding environment in real time. Unfortunately, this function is only available in the United States market.

These new features launched by Starbucks not only bring great convenience to many Starbucks fans, but also mean that the Starbucks online ecosystem has been further improved, but also created a new "online coffee social" scene. Now Starbucks has launched a new Starbucks account "new function, which represents that" online social networking "is also one of the directions of Starbucks' new scene.

* Image source: Internet