Coffee review

Is there a coffee shop suitable for office in Hangzhou? Is it normal for online celebrity coffee shops to charge for photos?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Another cafe has no choice but to issue an unfriendly rigid rule that has aroused widespread concern among netizens. Today, there are media reports: a coffee shop in Hangzhou stipulates that it is not allowed to work for long hours. According to the Qianjiang Evening News, the owner of the cafe, which is located in the "suitcase workshop" in Chaomingsi Lane in Hangzhou, said the cafe did not have WiFi and sockets and did not recommend working for long hours. A coffee enthusiast on the Internet

Another cafe has no choice but to issue an unfriendly "hard rule" that has aroused widespread concern among netizens.

Today, there are media reports: a coffee shop in Hangzhou stipulates that it is not allowed to work for long hours.

According to the Qianjiang Evening News, the owner of the cafe, which is located in the "suitcase workshop" in Chaomingsi Lane in Hangzhou, said the cafe did not have WiFi and sockets and did not recommend working for long hours.

An online coffee enthusiast replied: "if the coffee shop is not allowed to open, it will lose the soul of the coffee shop." this reply triggered questions from the boss and heated discussion among netizens.

It is understood that the "suitcase workshop" is a cafe with no door, only a simple whiteboard with the word "suitcase" written on it.

Judging from Dianping's message, the shopkeeper also noted in the library's message book that "the socket is too far away and there is no WiFi. I don't want everyone to stay much (and understand the need to increase the turnover rate)."

In addition, the owner also posted instructions in front of the store saying "do not take out food" and "this store forbids all forms of people to pose."

According to the relevant introduction, the instructions that the cafe is not allowed to open for long hours have been removed. The shop clerk said: "something unpleasant happened two days ago. Because I was angry, I posted a note that'it is not recommended to work for long hours'. Tear it up the next day."

The Qianjiang Evening News pointed out in the report: for many independent cafes along the street, with small storefronts and few seats, occupying a place for a long time means a decline in the turnover rate, which also represents the loss of revenue, and the rule that "you can't work for long hours" may be the boss's helpless decision.

But in fact, there are a lot of controversial cases between shopkeepers and consumers.

On October 15 last year, a coffee shop in Chaoyang, Beijing, asked customers to order and would not receive them if they did not spend. The incident also exploded on the Internet, eventually leading to the customer calling the police and the store was reluctant to apologize. (details can be reviewed in this article: the media exposed that the coffee shop forced customers to spend, no consumption, no reception!)

In January, a new online celebrity cafe called For ê t Fahai in Hangzhou also attracted attention because of its "mandatory rule" that "you need to buy tickets for entering the store to take photos." then the news became a hot topic on the Internet and went viral.

The store owner also responded that it was helpless to come up with this countermeasure. Since its release, the store has not really implemented the entrance ticket system. The main reason for publishing this news online is to have a threshold to dissuade people who just want to snap. Because there are so many people who "spell the order" and "rub the pat". (for more information, please review this article: do you need to buy tickets for a photo taken by an online celebrity coffee shop in Hangzhou? Shopkeeper: it's helpless!)

For cafes that sell space, whether it is a rule that they are not allowed to work in the cafe for a long time, customers are not allowed to spend long hours in the cafe, customers do not receive customers, or coffee shops need to buy tickets for taking photos, in fact, there is no standard answer to this type of proposition.

From the shop owner's point of view, the early investment in running a cafe generally requires long-term operation to recover the cost, coupled with the high rent, decoration, equipment maintenance, raw materials, and labor costs of the cafe. Consumption has become one of the sources of income for shopkeepers. Customers enter the shop without spending and occupy the space of the cafe for a long time. In the face of high expenses but no income, the cafe owner will inevitably feel cool.

In addition, the shop owner runs a coffee shop, in addition to providing high-quality products for the consumer group, every shop owner should also strive to provide a comfortable environment for the guests. as also mentioned in the article: the photographer in the cafe will not only affect the operation of the shop, but also bring a bad sense of experience to the customers who really come to spend, at this time, the cafe owner also has to make some helpless decisions. For example, you need to buy tickets for taking pictures and so on.

From the consumer's point of view, behaviors such as "working in a coffee shop for a long time" and "taking pictures without spending money" should be carried out without affecting the normal operation of the store owner and the experience of other consumers who come to the store. After all, the coffee shop is neither an office space nor a photo attraction, let alone a charity. In the final analysis, the coffee shop is only a member of many service industries. There is also a need for profitable returns to continue to operate.

Generally speaking, whether consumers or stores, the best way to deal with such topics is to achieve "mutual understanding and respect".

* Photo Source: Qianjiang Evening News Network

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