Coffee review

New Development of Blue bottle Coffee China Co., Ltd. Where is the first shop of bluebottle Blue bottle Coffee in Shanghai?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Today is September 7, which means it is a little closer to the landing of Blue bottle Coffee in Shanghai. In July this year, a comment on a "Blue Bottle blue bottle (Qiantan Taiguri store)" was called by the outside world as a signal that blue bottle coffee Blue Bottle Coffee is going to be located in Qiantan, Shanghai, and then industry insiders pointed out: blue bottle coffee will be this year at the earliest

Today is September 7th, which means that it is closer to Blue Bottle Coffee landing in Shanghai.

In July of this year, a comment on a "Blue Bottle Blue Bottle (Qiantan Taikoo Li Store)" merchant information was called by the outside world: Blue Bottle Coffee to settle in Shanghai Qiantan signal, then industry insiders pointed out: Blue Bottle Coffee will open its first store in a shopping mall in Shanghai as soon as the end of September this year.

For Blue Bottle Coffee to open in Shanghai, these days Blue Bottle Coffee has ushered in new progress.

According to the official information of Tianyan APP, Blue Bottle Coffee (China) Co., Ltd. was established in mid-August this year, and Blue Bottle Coffee has officially registered the enterprise name in the mainland market using "Blue Bottle Coffee".

According to the information, the company is wholly owned by Blue Bottle Holdings Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of US $1200 and registered address of Room A-101, A-102, A-103 and A-105, Floor 1, Building 555, Jiangchang West Road, Jing 'an District, Shanghai City.

In fact, Blue Bottle Coffee first applied for trademark registration in the Chinese Trademark Office on April 24, 2014, but because of the existence of "Blue Bottle Coffee" and "Blue Bottle Coffee," Blue Bottle's US parent company "Blue Bottle Coffee Limited Liability Company" spent a lot of time on Trademark Registering, review and infringement litigation.

In addition to the establishment of Blue Bottle Coffee (China) Co., Ltd., another focus is on the formation of team members in the Mainland.

Blue Bottle Coffee, which began recruiting for the position of "Brand Director" in Shanghai in March this year, has now completed the recruitment of senior personnel for most operating entities and key positions.

According to the snack agency report, among the five key personnel of Blue Bottle Coffee (China) Co., Ltd.,"Nestle" seems to occupy the majority of seats. The chairman of the company is Nestlé Greater China Chairman and CEO Luo Shide, the general manager is Hu Jun, the general manager of Blue Bottle Coffee Greater China. In addition, Daniel Gilbert Aellen, who serves as a director in Blue Bottle China, is Nestlé Greater China Chief Financial Officer Yong Delun, and Martin Theo Herman Roemkens, who serves as a supervisor, is Nestlé Greater China Executive Vice President of Technology Luo Yiken.

For the company "Nestle" seems to occupy a majority of seats, snack generation also pointed out: for Nestle and blue bottle coffee division of labor and future plans, Nestle China said blue bottle coffee for independent operation, but blue bottle coffee has not responded yet.

When it comes to the relationship between Nescafe and Blue Bottle Coffee, we have to mention the "Nescafe acquisition of Blue Bottle Coffee" incident that shocked the entire coffee industry.

In September 2017, Blue Bottle Coffee was acquired by Nestle for US $425 million, accounting for 68% of the shares, becoming the largest shareholder of Blue Bottle Coffee. As soon as this news came out, many people in the industry worried about whether Blue Bottle Coffee could rise. Fortunately, Blue Bottle Coffee remained independent after the acquisition, and Nestle's entry greatly accelerated the global expansion of Blue Bottle Coffee.

If this Shanghai Blue Bottle Coffee is still "Blue Bottle Coffee is an independent operation" as indicated by Nestle Coffee, it means that the role of Nestle executives may be more involved in decision-making discussions.

In addition, the brand's coffee shop director, supply chain senior manager, e-commerce senior manager, project manager, IT head and personnel manager and other key positions have also taken shape.

At present, Blue Bottle Coffee still has jobs open for recruitment in China, including store managers, QA specialists responsible for coffee roasting and store food safety management.

In this new development, there is another point worthy of attention is, although the blue bottle coffee in Shanghai operation entity has been established at present, but for the blue bottle coffee final site and the specific time of opening, up to now, blue bottle coffee official has not been announced.

However, several sources also pointed out that it was expected that the first store in mainland China would be located in Shanghai. In 2017, Brian Mihanzen, CEO of Blue Bottle Coffee, also said that stores would be opened in Asia such as mainland China, China Hong Kong and China Taiwan. As for site selection, there is information that Blue Bottle Coffee's first store in Mainland China will be a "shopping mall store".

However, as we all know, the coffee shop competition in Shanghai is very fierce. Today's Weibo also has a topic showing #There are more than 8000 coffee shops in Shanghai #.

Behind this data also means that Shanghai is the city with the largest number of cafes in the world.

Domestic brands such as banner, seesaw, M Stand and %Arabica have chosen to locate their stores in Shanghai, which is a must for coffee brands.

"Blue Bottle Coffee" as one of the world's hottest boutique coffee chain brands, although its reputation is very large, but in the competitive track, coupled with the blue bottle coffee entry time has no advantage, if in Shanghai, blue bottle coffee may also face a lot of market competition.


In Shanghai, a city with more than 8000 cafes, if Blue Bottle Coffee landed in Shanghai, could Blue Bottle Coffee catch up? The market is changing rapidly, so we'd better wait and see.

* Image source: Internet

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