Coffee review

Honey snow ice city set up nine companies a year. How did it develop? why did it suddenly become popular?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Everyone's impression of the snow ice city is estimated to stay in "you love me, I love you, the snow ice city sweet honey". At the moment, you are still thinking about its sweet side, but you never know that Honey Snow Ice City has set up nine companies a year. According to a report by the Beijing News on September 16, according to enterprise investigations, as of today, Honey Snow Ice City has invested in the establishment of Chongqing Snow King Agriculture.

Everyone's impression of the snow ice city is estimated to stay in "you love me, I love you, the snow ice city sweet honey". At the moment, you are still thinking about its sweet side, but you never know that Honey Snow Ice City has set up nine companies a year.

As of today, Honey Snow Bingcheng has invested in nine companies, including Chongqing Xuewang Agriculture Co., Ltd., with a total registered capital of more than 470 million yuan, according to a report by the Beijing News on Sept. 16.

Among them, Xuewang Investment Co., Ltd., established by the parent company of Mi Xue Bingcheng Tea Brand on September 13, has a registered capital of 50 million yuan, and its business scope includes venture capital (limited to investment in unlisted enterprises); the company is 100% owned by Mi Xue Bingcheng and engages in investment activities with its own funds.

It is not difficult to see that during the year, the layout of Honey Snow Ice City accelerated in the southwest and Hainan Province. While occupying the sinking market, we should develop the whole supply chain, establish independent R & D centers and automated production workshops, and develop a complete logistics and transportation chain. Up to now, Honey Snow Ice City has invested in more than 20 subsidiaries in many parts of the country, including catering, agriculture, supply chain, education, science and technology, investment, international trade and other fields.

Today, we often hear of the three new tea giants like tea, Nai Xue's tea and Mi Xue Ice City, which is the first of the three new tea brands to open shop overseas. Unlike most overseas brands that go abroad, its first overseas store opened on September 5, 2018, not in an international metropolis, but in inland Vietnam, where per capita consumption is lower.

According to the Chengdu Business Daily, on July 30, the Asian headquarters project of Honeysnow Ice City, located in Qingbaijiang, Chengdu, has set up an intelligent production, processing and export base in addition to its Asian headquarters. this is also the company's second factory in China. The Asian headquarters of Mixue Ice City is responsible for market development, raw material supply, operation management and sales settlement in Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Southeast Asia and South Asia.

With the saturation of the domestic tea market, the internal volume between tea brands is becoming more and more serious, not only in big cities, but also in small counties, tea products are sold everywhere. Now the layout of Honey Snow Ice City in the southwest and Hainan Province is not difficult to see how ambitious it is to enter Southeast Asia and South Asia markets. Copy the game of domestic operation in overseas markets, and make its "grassroots" brand image rooted in the hearts of consumers at a low price.

In addition, people in Southeast Asia have a high demand for sugar in terms of dietary taste. Vietnam dripping coffee is a good example, condensed milk is the most important feature of Vietnamese coffee. People who have a penchant for sugar will also prefer Southeast Asian delicacies. Their demand for sugar can be said to be "as sweet as sticky throat".

The establishment of a base in southwest China will help to minimize costs and increase profits. Coupled with the advantages of the import and export policy of establishing a free trade port in Hainan Province, Honeysnow Ice City has an advantage to a certain extent.

Photo Source: Internet

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