Coffee review

What is the best Panamanian Best of panama for Panamanian boutique coffee beans? Which coffee bean is the best Panamanian bid this year?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, In 1996, the first Panamanian raw bean competition, the best Panama (BestofPanama, hereinafter referred to as BOP), was held. As the world's first sheng metropolis competition, the emergence of BOP successfully opened up an environment in which quality is justice in the Panamanian boutique coffee industry. In order to make the world

In 1996, the first Panamanian raw bean competition, the best Panama (Best of Panama, hereinafter referred to as BOP), was held. As the world's first sheng metropolis competition, the emergence of BOP successfully opened up an environment in which quality is justice in the Panamanian boutique coffee industry. In order to enable coffee players all over the world to taste Panamanian boutique coffee, BOP held its first global online auction in 2001, and this year's auction will be held on September 22nd, 2021.

In the just-concluded 2021 BOP (Best Panama), Nugo Manor won the championship for its anaerobic sun rose summer, while its owner, the Gallado Family family, won the title of best producer of BOP.


In this year's bidding, GN-01 Nuguo Manor's anaerobic sun-drying rose summer broke the record with an auction price of US $2568 / lb, with a tax price as high as 50,000 RMB / kg, making it the top bidder this year.