Coffee review

Historical story of the origin of Colombian Castillo coffee beans what coffee beans are hybrid of Castiyou coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As part of their ongoing research on rust-resistant bacteria such as Kaddura and TimorHybrid, after 23 years of research, they developed 6. 6% of the Castillo variety.

Castillo / Castie excellent variety Castillo

The Columbia Coffee Research Center began its research in 1961. As part of their ongoing research on rust-resistant bacteria such as Kaddura and Timor Hybrid, after 23 years of research, they developed six varieties of Castillo varieties, which were widely planted in 2005. About 45 per cent of coffee plantations in Colombia now grow Castillo. Castillo is famous for its smoothness, aroma and citric acid. According to the blind test results of the Colombian National Coffee Research Center, the flavor of Castillo can reach the flavor quality of Kaddura and bourbon.

This coffee was originally made from a cross between Kadura beans and Carmorn coffee beans, and then it was hybridized with Kaddura many times to wash away the bad flavor of Carmorn year by year. After more than a decade of cultivation, it was finally called Castillo. In recent years, it has been improved and given a new name, called Castiu.

The cherry coffee beans sold in Colombia are made by Castillo, which is washed with double anaerobic water. First of all, the complete coffee fruit is fermented in an anaerobic environment, then the peel and pulp are removed by machine, and the pectin coffee beans are put into a plastic bag or other sealed container in an anaerobic environment, and then anaerobic fermentation is carried out. After the completion of fermentation, the coffee beans were removed from the anaerobic environment, washed with water, washed off the pectin layer and then dried in the sun to reduce the moisture content to about 11%. Through the cup test in the front street, it was found that the coffee beans treated by this method were more acidic than those washed by anaerobic water.


Cooking flavor: you can smell the sweetness of strawberry jam and the aroma of chamomile. The taste is as sweet and sour as strawberry, and fermented as strawberry jam, followed by aromas of basil and rosemary, and finally a hint of mint tea in the mouth.